Embarresing moments in life!
Ok, I know we all have had our imbarresing moment in life so why not join this page! You can get it off your chest by telling what you did and people won't judge you. Also giggle and blush at other peoples posts to see that your not the only one
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my most embarrassing moment was when my 12 year old little brother walked in on me while i was taking a shower
on February 09, 2021

I was talking to my twin brother (I am a girl) and he was going to the boy locker room and I was going to get something and we both got carried away in the conversation and I walked into the boys locker room and the 5th grade football team were changing to there uniforms and they all stop and stare at me and I am just standin there blushing like OMG
on July 31, 2016

I was singing a song about my crush in my head (at least I thought I was ) and I was right next to my crush and they all were staring at me and I was like what and my crush said is that song for me because I already have a girlfriend and I walked a embarrassed and heart broken
on July 23, 2016

I was talking to my crush, and randomly she said, "Amanda, I love you. Lets get married and have five babies." I looked at her and said, "How is that going to work? Neither of us has a penis." We've been flirting with each other ever since.
on November 18, 2015

on June 28, 2015

on June 28, 2015
I thought this one girl at school was my best friend so I jumped on her and said hey gurrl and turns out it was another girl and I said oops sorry! XD
on June 28, 2015

once i was in student council and was late for something so i ran out the door only to find out it was tomorrow so i ran back in and everybody looked at me like i was crazy XD
on June 28, 2015

One time, we were doing a fish play called big al.
I was a narrator #2, and I had practiced all my lines and still was a little scratchy but did good throughout the play.
Except for the ending part. We were going to dance to the little mermaid song 'Under the sea'. The teacher was struggling to put the song on, and I accidentally thought I was supposed to say my line. But I forgot a little of my line, and got mixed up with my last line that said at first 'meanwhile'. So in See More the middle of the teacher struggling, I said meanwhile. Best part was, it made sense for me to say that!
I was a narrator #2, and I had practiced all my lines and still was a little scratchy but did good throughout the play.
Except for the ending part. We were going to dance to the little mermaid song 'Under the sea'. The teacher was struggling to put the song on, and I accidentally thought I was supposed to say my line. But I forgot a little of my line, and got mixed up with my last line that said at first 'meanwhile'. So in See More the middle of the teacher struggling, I said meanwhile. Best part was, it made sense for me to say that!
on June 27, 2015

One time I was at Costco with my dad and sister. we were in a line, and I was holding onto the cart, looking off into space. But when I looked back at my dad, it wasn't my dad. It was a random man looking down and smiling down at me like this:
͡° ͜ʖ ͡°
I then slowly walked away and then ran to find my dad.
It was so embarrassing!
͡° ͜ʖ ͡°
I then slowly walked away and then ran to find my dad.
It was so embarrassing!
on June 27, 2015

Okay, this happened a couple of weeks ago, I was with my boyfriend in our local shopping centre and I had just brought a new white dress (Always a bad sign right? XD) And I loved it so much i decided to wear it for the rest of the time we were out. Anyway we went up the moving stairs (I can't spell the actual name...escilator? Maybe?) and I looked at my boyfriend and said "Wouldn't it be funny if you fell just now?" And he looked at me like -_-U "yeah...not at all" When we got See More to the top there was some mud from probs someones shoes. I slipped on the mud and fell back down the stairs falling into everyone behind me. So my dress was ruined, everyone was glaring at me and my boyfrind was just laughing and just shouted "Karma is a *****!" DX

white dresses are ALWAYS bad one time i was wearing a white dress and then truth be told the same day their was a mole as to who my crush was and dun un dun end of the day he and everyone knew all that while i was in a white dress DX
on June 28, 2015
on June 27, 2015

when i was in second grade i had a crush on this girl. i had just got done taking a drink of my strawberry milk when she looked over and smiled at me. when i smiled back, the strawberry milk came out my nose and right back into the carton

on June 28, 2015
on June 27, 2015

Yesterday at my hacker group thing some guy was doing a presentation and I just randomly fell down. I fell down in the middle of the presentation. Oh God.
on June 27, 2015

on June 27, 2015

I got caught stealing a notepad. Thing is I'd been stealing a lot of other school supplies. I REGRET NOTHING
on June 27, 2015

One time when I was 9, my dad and I were leaving a store, and I got into another persons truck that looked almost EXACTLY
like my dad's!!! I only realized it wasn't the right car after about 10 seconds of being in it and i walked back to my dad's car. He just had to make it worse by saying "you just got into someone else's truck didnt you?"
like my dad's!!! I only realized it wasn't the right car after about 10 seconds of being in it and i walked back to my dad's car. He just had to make it worse by saying "you just got into someone else's truck didnt you?"
on January 21, 2015

In French today, Mme wanted us to 'wake up' so she had us run around the room. Running at full sprint on a carpet floor in a small room while there are desks around is a bad idea when you're wearing slippery-soled shoes. I fell sideways while rounding a corner and my elbow hit a desk.
"Ow, I hurt my elbow!"
We're still laughing.
"Ow, I hurt my elbow!"
We're still laughing.
on January 16, 2015

In P4 we had a fill-in teacher. We were doing this maths challenge and we sat down at our tables after we were done.
Teacher: Okay, now I am going to pick someone to show me how to get the answer
She looked around and pointed in my direction. I mouthed 'Me?'
Teacher: Yes you!
So I got up from my chair and stood up. Then I saw another girl behind me walking to the board. Turns out she meant her.
Teacher: Okay, now I am going to pick someone to show me how to get the answer
She looked around and pointed in my direction. I mouthed 'Me?'
Teacher: Yes you!
So I got up from my chair and stood up. Then I saw another girl behind me walking to the board. Turns out she meant her.

I had to then sit down and make it out that I wasn't comfortable about how I was sitting.
on January 16, 2015
on January 16, 2015