Embarresing moments in life!
Ok, I know we all have had our imbarresing moment in life so why not join this page! You can get it off your chest by telling what you did and people won't judge you. Also giggle and blush at other peoples posts to see that your not the only one
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I just realized you spelled *embarrassing wrong twice o-0 Sorry if I'm wrong, but that's how we spell it here.

Oops ^.^U oh well! I'm to lazy to correct it XD
on June 27, 2015

@MariaTheWolf I know, I just have a bad habit of correcting people. I can't even remember this post xD
on June 27, 2015

Who cares of she spelled it wrong? Look at me. I won the spelling bee in grade three and I'm not worried about one error.
on June 27, 2015
Yeah she did spell ir wrong. I noticed that too.
on January 17, 2015
on January 16, 2015

One time I was riding down a steep hill on a scooter, and was going to crash. I decided - stupidly - to jump off the scooter and into the grass. I jumped off, but didn't land in the grass. Instead, I landed on the road, and cried my eyes out. It was so embarrassing, my brother and sister teased me about it for a month.
on January 16, 2015

One time while I was at church camp some of my friends dared me to eat a chunk out of some deodarant for 5$ (I spit it out afterwards i didn't actually eat it) of course I was stupid and would do dares for money...... but they were the worst kind so anyway back to the story I 'ate' a chunk out of the stick kept it in my mouth until each of my friends gave me 5$ and then I went to the bathroom, spat it out into the trashcan and went back to my friends (they thought I actually ate See More it) and I had deoderant breath until we ate dinner that night..........

But hey at least my mouth smelled like my armpits? lol im just trying to find a non embarrassing version of this unfortunately there's not one
on January 16, 2015
on January 16, 2015

ok, so I had this boy in my class called Julian and he is a total hot shot, I have a total crush on him. So when I was 12 we had to do this play called Romeo and Juilet by shakespear. Many people wanted to be part of the play but the teacher said there won't be any kissing or any gross stuff. Nobody even was thinking of kissing. So I wanted to be Juilet and I got in! And Julian was a great actor. So he got in as well, So when we were practicing for the play, I accidently tripped See More and Julian caught me. Everyone was just looking at me and julian. Then a boy called Ron was like: "HOLY SH*T, LOVE BIRDS. JUILAN AND RUBY" Me and Julian blushed in that catching pose and then Julian helped me get up. Then we all laughed but I was so embrassed. and I think Julian was too.
on January 16, 2015

Me&Jack: *talking*.
Hannah&Brooke: Hey guys. *wink at me.*
Jack: Hi.
Me: Hey.
Hannah: You two look so cute.
Brooke: Hey Jack maybe you should ask Alexis out.
Me: O////O. See More
Jack: ?
Me&Xavier: *tossing a volleyball back and fourth and talking about TRACS trip*.
Lizbit: Aw what a cute couple.
Me&Xavier: *small blush*.
Hannah&Brooke: Hey guys. *wink at me.*
Jack: Hi.
Me: Hey.
Hannah: You two look so cute.
Brooke: Hey Jack maybe you should ask Alexis out.
Me: O////O. See More
Jack: ?
Me&Xavier: *tossing a volleyball back and fourth and talking about TRACS trip*.
Lizbit: Aw what a cute couple.
Me&Xavier: *small blush*.
on January 16, 2015

Pretty much every second of my life is an embarrassing moment

on January 15, 2015
on January 15, 2015

This happens sometimes when I put my hand up when I'm not supposed too
on January 15, 2015

so uh.... this is pretty weird one time I went to the mall and I was waiting for my mom in a random store I texted her to meet me there, a random person that looked like my mom walked in the door and I decided I was going to scare my 'mom' so I went up to this random lady and scared her and when she turned around I saw her face and realized it wasn't mom she cursed at me and walked off (because I jump scared her) and then my mom walks in about 5 minutes later and I'm just really See More quiet and my face is red and she says "are you ready to go?" and I say barely audible "yes" (I WAS 10 WHEN THIS HAPPENED)
on January 15, 2015

One time I thought a random person was my older sister, and I tapped her and said her name, when the person turned around I was like oh...your not my sister...
on January 14, 2015

One time I was playing Poptropica, and a ad for p0rn came up. SO AWKWARD!!!!!

on June 27, 2015
on January 13, 2015

one time, i went to a movie with my boyfriend, and went to go more soda.....i came back but it was really dark and i sat next to a guy around my bf's age who had the EXACT same shirt AND hair!!!!!!! i realized it after he said, "uhhh can i help u?" i looked at his face and realized my mistake. the worst part is my bf was sitting in the row BEHIND where i was and was laughing like no tomorrow.....................:">

yeeeeah, we both ended up laughing about it tho, but he still teases me about wenever we go out by saying, "now ur not gonna think someone else is me right?" im like, "screw u! ur payin for EVERYTHING remember?! so if u get me PO'd, ill be EXPENSIVE!" XDXDXDXDXDXD
on December 28, 2014
on December 28, 2014

I was at gym/P.E (whatever you want to call it) and I was running around. Then I fell on the of my crush. :(( It was so embarrassing....then at lunch, a food fight broke out and I got my white shirt wet. so I had to go home and get a new one. (It was a white shirt over a tank top.) THEN, at math, this girl called me a curse word for NO reason. Okay, maybe I politely told her to stop smacking in my ear. (Because we were having "snack time".)
on October 01, 2014

One time when I was 10 and I was texting this boy I kinda liked in class. I just finished a game of darts (because it was my sister's birthday) and he asked what I was doing. But since I was typing to fast I accidently put I'm Playing Farts instead of darts.......and there was no edit button. Haven't heard from him since...

its ok, i made a mistake like that once! My cuz and i were texting while i was watching Jeff Dunham: Arguing with Myself. She asked me if i considered myself hot, and i meant type, "hot? no im a girl hunk" but instead i wasnt paying much attention and typed "girl drunk" .....................she called my mom after that.............X3
on December 28, 2014
on October 01, 2014

I was horse riding with my BFFS and I was the only good horse rider but my horse broke off into gallop and i went FLOP on ta floor
on September 21, 2014

I was at school and we put some caution tape around it and my friend wanted to marry the tree... and I was the priest then my other friend started to kiss the tree so I started hugging it... and then everyone stared at us >.<

XD Honestly...i was messing about with my friends and I called a tree bob and he became my bf. :D
on December 17, 2014
on September 01, 2014

As a small summer job I would walk dogs around my neighborhood and there was this one dog named Beast (whose a tiny, adorable, friendly, Chihuahua!), so anyway one day I was walking Beast and I saw the hottie who just moved in at the end of the street. We were chatting then all a sudden he jumped back because...... Beast was peeing on him!!! :O
Yeah, lets just say I didn't get a boyfriend that day!
Yeah, lets just say I didn't get a boyfriend that day!
on August 25, 2014

OMG! One time I was trying to text my friend and I put in what I thought was her number, and a person replied:
Me: hey!!
Person: who is this
Me: -my name-
Person: how do i know you?
Me: it's -my name- you're -my friends name- rite?
Person: i'm confused See More
Me: why
Person: how do i know you?
Me: now i'm confused
Person: hahaha wrong # i think
Me: ok....
Person: bye have a wonderful day
It turns out it was a boy from my classssssssss... When I asked him he kept saying it wasn't him and he just said: xD hahaha I wonder who it was...
:"> :"> it was SO embarrassing...
Me: hey!!
Person: who is this
Me: -my name-
Person: how do i know you?
Me: it's -my name- you're -my friends name- rite?
Person: i'm confused See More
Me: why
Person: how do i know you?
Me: now i'm confused
Person: hahaha wrong # i think
Me: ok....
Person: bye have a wonderful day
It turns out it was a boy from my classssssssss... When I asked him he kept saying it wasn't him and he just said: xD hahaha I wonder who it was...
:"> :"> it was SO embarrassing...
on June 23, 2014

I went round my friends house a little earlier than expected, so I waited outside. I heard the door open, and I thought it was my friend. We're always random around each other, so I said: "HEWWO MY FWEND!". And gave her a big hug.
Turns out, it wasn't my friend, it was her dad's girlfriend's son. Who's a teenager. I thought I was gonna MELT! :p:( :p
Turns out, it wasn't my friend, it was her dad's girlfriend's son. Who's a teenager. I thought I was gonna MELT! :p:( :p
on June 22, 2014

This is one time..when I was younger
We were at Myers to see 'Santa' and I was wih my father and mother. Technically I got a bit lost and walked up to a random stranger who had a similar shirt to my father. I didn't look at his features just the shirt and I said 'Daddy!' And kinda went to him. The stranger looked at me I think probs thinking I was a crazy weirdo kid. What's more is that my parents were like right there! Like only a few footsteps away. :">..
We were at Myers to see 'Santa' and I was wih my father and mother. Technically I got a bit lost and walked up to a random stranger who had a similar shirt to my father. I didn't look at his features just the shirt and I said 'Daddy!' And kinda went to him. The stranger looked at me I think probs thinking I was a crazy weirdo kid. What's more is that my parents were like right there! Like only a few footsteps away. :">..

XD I have done that before exept I hed their hand 0.o but the weirdest thing was they helb back. I looked up at them and yelled "STRANGER DANGER!"
on June 22, 2014
on June 22, 2014

One time I was texting. I thought it was my friend and I said "HEYO MAH FWEND DERE!!" And she said "Who is this?" I said "YOUR FRIEND SYDNEY!!!" She said "... Bye"
I forgot that she changed her number XP
I forgot that she changed her number XP
on June 22, 2014