Stupid things you did when you were little
Stupid things you thought or did when you were younger. Everybody welcome!
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Weeeeellll i was in the bathroom,and i was going to make my hair "FABULOUS"
By putting my hair,water,shampoo and lastley,toothpaste :D
Yeah that didnt turn out well...
By putting my hair,water,shampoo and lastley,toothpaste :D
Yeah that didnt turn out well...

on June 09, 2015

Lol yeah @WolfCat
on June 09, 2015

LOL you must have been in a sticking situation
on June 09, 2015

on March 28, 2015
on March 28, 2015

When my tv stopped working and I started yelling at it and then poured water on it
on March 28, 2015

(This was in 2ns grade I think?) So there was this girl in our class that nobody liked named Esther. I was an attention-whōre in second grade (yeah yeah I know -_____-) and I got this brilliant idea to pretend I had this disease that I made up called "CIF" (Compulsive Iconic Fainting). So every time I saw Esther, I would pretend to faint and fall to the ground dramatically. At first no one believed me, but then once I was doing my spectacle, and everyone was turned away. Nobody See More saw that I buckled my knees as I fell, and they thought I actually fell to the floor onto my head. So they decided that "Why would I hurt myself if it wasn't real?" And went along with it. So then I walked around every recess with like 15 "bodyguards" that made sure Esther stayed away from me, until the teacher found out and called my parents.... Yeah, that one required a lot of explaining
on March 28, 2015

on February 09, 2015

Thinking there were tiny people in the telly. I only figured it out when I was 5 xD
on January 28, 2015

Cutting the hair on my barbies.
on January 25, 2015

Thought that putting the light switch between on and off would start a fire
on January 25, 2015

I used to turn the light switch on and off and pretend I was a ghost coming....
on January 25, 2015

on January 25, 2015

I got a jar of peanut butter and put it all over my dog. ^.^'
on January 24, 2015

If I saw someone on TV I adomatically thought they were famous even if it was an extra.
on January 23, 2015

Eating barettes and climbing trees that were almost physically impossible to climg.
on January 22, 2015

In 1st Grade I Used To Have A Crush On This Kid Named Justin And Everytime I Went To The Back Of The Classroom, I Would Draw Hearts With Our Initials In Them. So, One Day My Teacher Was Gathering All The Kids For Storytime And When She Saw The Back Of The Cabinet She Saw All Those Hearts I Drew. And Everyone Just Stared At Me. So, That Was A Pretty Bad Day For Me. ^-^U
on January 22, 2015

I'd have something that happened in the daytime and then I had a dream about what happened, but other stuff happened. It seemed much more realistic than how it happened so when I'd come back to say what happened one day then I'd say my dream instead o_o
on January 21, 2015