There was once a bird in my garden and it was injured. It wouldn't let us help it but we finally caught it, not in a mean way, just to help it, and gave it to a clinic who helped the bird.
on April 20, 2015

on March 06, 2015

Thanks for the follow! You get a wolf! *Hands wolf*
on February 15, 2015

on February 11, 2015

on February 05, 2015

Thanks for the follow! You get a wolf! *Gives wolf*
on January 29, 2015

Thanks for the follow! You get a wolf! *Hands wolf*

Come on melody *runs at super speed then sees if melody followed which she did* wow ur fast Mel!
on January 28, 2015
on January 28, 2015

Thanks for the follow! You get a wolf! *Hands wolf*

on January 28, 2015
on January 28, 2015

Thanks for the follow! You get a wolf! *Gives wolf*

on January 28, 2015
on January 28, 2015