Random dreams!
Have you ever had a random dream? Or have you ever had a lucid dream (they are dreams that you can contol) Write them down! I'd love to hear what goes on in your mind! XP
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I once had a dream that a friend invited me and other friends to her house, and we found her room with the door open, everything everywhere, and blood smeared all over the walls. No sign of her, but we did know she had a haunted doll. We ended up finding out it was murderous. It was after me, so I tripped it, pulled its limbs off, beat it with them, then smashed it's head in by hitting it against the table at least 15 times.
Coincidences: it looked like a doll I wanted when I See More went to the Alamo.
Before I fell to sleep in had a dream, a ghost threatened to kill me, but I don't remember why...
We never found the friends body in the dream, and a friend recently moved when I got back to my moms. (I had the dream at my dads house...)
Is this coincidence?
Coincidences: it looked like a doll I wanted when I See More went to the Alamo.
Before I fell to sleep in had a dream, a ghost threatened to kill me, but I don't remember why...
We never found the friends body in the dream, and a friend recently moved when I got back to my moms. (I had the dream at my dads house...)
Is this coincidence?

i once had a dream that Chuckey had killed my family and was after me i had stopped to catch my breath from running and he started catching up to me and when he did catch up to me he was about to stab me when i woke and saw that i was in my room and that the dream i had was just a bad dream and that i was safe in my room
on February 09, 2021
on December 11, 2015

This was proberly my WEIRDEST dream.... :
I was walking through the forest when I saw a portal in A TREE. I jumped in to it and I WAS A DRAGON which was creepy AND I LOOKED LIKE MAH OC WOLF WHICH WAS REALLY CREEPY! And them I woke up...
I was walking through the forest when I saw a portal in A TREE. I jumped in to it and I WAS A DRAGON which was creepy AND I LOOKED LIKE MAH OC WOLF WHICH WAS REALLY CREEPY! And them I woke up...
on September 19, 2015

This isn't my dream, this is my mum's dream:
On Monday, my mum offered to pick me up from college since she was in town, and she asked me how my day was. I told her we had visitors in from the local sexual health clinic, and they did a basic sex-ed recap that we had in secondary school.
Then... Tuesday night... she dreamt I was pregnant... O_O
I must've srsly traumatized her XD
On Monday, my mum offered to pick me up from college since she was in town, and she asked me how my day was. I told her we had visitors in from the local sexual health clinic, and they did a basic sex-ed recap that we had in secondary school.
Then... Tuesday night... she dreamt I was pregnant... O_O
I must've srsly traumatized her XD
on February 04, 2015

I Had This Dream Where Bonnie Killed Me.

on December 07, 2014

I had a dream where they all killed me multiple times and it was painful i woke up on i think the 30th time of getting killed
on December 07, 2014
on December 07, 2014

Here's one my brother had!
Amy was walking down the street in the future, and she was total psycho, seeing things. She saw Sonic's face on a dog, and went total crazy and had sex with the dog XD
But instead of having a baby dog or a baby hedgehog, or a cross or whatever, Amy turned into a dog. And she lost her voice too, cuz she couldn't talk normal. When she opened her mouth, all that came out was "Woof woof!"
One day later, she looked in the mirror, and found she had turned See More into a 69 year old dog forever!
Amy was walking down the street in the future, and she was total psycho, seeing things. She saw Sonic's face on a dog, and went total crazy and had sex with the dog XD
But instead of having a baby dog or a baby hedgehog, or a cross or whatever, Amy turned into a dog. And she lost her voice too, cuz she couldn't talk normal. When she opened her mouth, all that came out was "Woof woof!"
One day later, she looked in the mirror, and found she had turned See More into a 69 year old dog forever!
on July 24, 2014

I had a weird dream last night where I was home alone and for some reason I had no clothes on. I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth and then went to the living room and there were two random guys on my couch that I didn't even recognize but they were asleep...I went back into the bathroom to take a shower and when i was for some reason there was no shower curtain and the door to the bathroom was gone. And one of the random guys was next to the bathroom watching me...and in See More the dream I felt really really weird but the guy was acting like it was normal......

My dreem is similar just I was playing basketball naked with some of my pals and they were naked too
on July 08, 2014
on July 08, 2014

One time I had a dream that I was a game tester with a bunch of other guys. And they all had a new horror game to try out. It was called... Actually, we were never told what it was called. But what we had to do was step on a platform that would warp you into the game. So, I was the first one to take the risk of walking into a real life horror game. I realized this wasn't a regular game, because you actually walked into the game. So, anyways, I walked in and it started out as a See More cinder-block small square room without doors. There was one window, but I had no way of breaking it. It only looked like darkness out the window though. So, a dark figure walked up to the window and said, "LEAVE." I was already scared. It looked me in the eye with glowing white eyes. Then it disappeared. Right about then, I noticed my voice didn't work. I looked around the room and saw a picture of L.J. on the wall. I looked at the other walls and saw nothing. Then there was a scream and something grabbed me and threw me out of the game. I was warped back to the studio. I sat there for about a whole minute, scared out of my mind. I suddenly yelled, "BEST. HORROR. GAME. EVER." Then I woke up.
on June 21, 2014

One time, a couple years ago, I dreamed that I was talking to one of my friends when she suddenly screamed and died standing up. I tried to run over to her but my Mom pulled me back saying that I'd die too. Then she told me about 'Lyris flies'. She said that they eat flesh. I told her that my friend looked fine, but then she said, "they didn't touch her on the outside, but they turned her insides to skittles" I asked if a lot of them lived around here, and she said that billions See More did. I screamed and woke up.

I used to be terrified of all spiders, now I find them fascinating. I think I first began to like them when I caught one in a jar. I took it to school and caught a moth for it to eat. It was really cool!
on April 12, 2014

I had dream like that exept spiders turneed other people to spiders DX Ever since then I hated spiders!
on April 12, 2014
on April 11, 2014

I had a dream where I was asleep in my bed I was watching TV. I was also building a lego car. I saw Mario and Sonic on a green star ride past my window. (My bedroom is upstairs. I live in a condo.) I pushed my lego car out the window and it started floating then grew to the size of a normal car. I was transported to a white screen with the two Sonic's from Sonic Generations. (the classic and modern.) Next to them was Mario and Yoshi. The four of them ran past me to a place that See More looked like Sugar Rush from Wreck-it-Ralph. Then I was back in my window. I was deciding if I should get in the car or not. *then I woke up*. :P
on April 11, 2014

I had a dream when I was like, 9, that I could freeze time. So I did, drove my parents' truck to Walmart, stole all of their video games, drove back, and unfroze time. I think this one was one of the more sane ones though. XP

on April 12, 2014
on April 10, 2014

Is it possible to control your dreams ALL of the time?

on April 10, 2014

Yeah! Its coool! Its called a lucid dream! Ive trained myself how to do it and now i can fly XP
on April 10, 2014
on April 09, 2014

Once I had a dream I was in the middle of class and my chair started to float XP
on April 09, 2014