on August 09, 2015

on April 17, 2014

mistytail asked a question

Sonic Boyfriend Scenarios!! (IMPORTANT) Should I create a Sonic Boyfriend/Girlfriend Sc...
on April 17, 2014

Okay, since I really suck at making quizzes, I'm thinking about just writing a WWFFY story with different endings for different guys. What do you girl's think? If you're a guy, when I make a guy WWFFY, should I be one of the results? CIAO FOR NOW!!!:D
on April 17, 2014

on April 14, 2014

I had a dream when I was like, 9, that I could freeze time. So I did, drove my parents' truck to Walmart, stole all of their video games, drove back, and unfroze time. I think this one was one of the more sane ones though. XP

on April 12, 2014
on April 10, 2014