Warriors Fan Page!
Welcome to the Warriors Fan Page! Talk about your clan, your cat, and your life! Discuss anything and everything warrior cats! Feel free to discuss your favorite cats, the best cats, and the worst ones. Just please don't say anything bad about warriors! I'll try to post a random fun fact about the Warriors series every other day or so as well. Just have fun and let your imagination run! Singned, Firestorm of WindClan

my fave cat is brightheart she been through alot but had perserverence to pull through and live a happy life:D
on April 11, 2015

Hi there! Feathermist here. Guys, how do you remember all the looks of all the cats? I used to try and memorize them before reading but it was too hard. So my way is that every time a name turns up I flip back and check the looks until I remember :)
on October 31, 2013

Ordered 'SkyClan's Destiny' 3 days ago. I am really bad at saving, I can't ask my aunt (who is coming over next week) for some pocket money cause' I need a new ITunes card and I can't ask for both. Luckily I have a voucher for the SkyClan book!
on October 30, 2013

Whoah. I am so torn between 'The Golden Compass' triology and 'Warrior Omen of the Stars' right now. I need to save 25 euro pocket money for a 'Warriors' box set and only around 10 for 'The Golden Compass' and I really don't know what to read. And now breaking news; I will get Warriors if it's the last thing I do!
-Your amazing top Warrior fan,
Feathermist of RiverClan
-Your amazing top Warrior fan,
Feathermist of RiverClan

Anyways a new chapter of Silver Night will be out 2morrow. It will have a WindClan battle in it!
on October 21, 2013
on October 20, 2013

It was my b-day on Monday (yay I got and IPad!) but I aslo got two warriors books. Techincally 5 cause' I GOT A 3 PACK OF MANGAS LOST WARRIOR AND ENTER THE CLANS! A FIELD GUIDE INCLUDING CODE OF THE CLANS AND SECRETS OF THE CLANS! I read both in around 3 days (squee!)

I already have a Lionstar or ThunderClan but he matches the description and when I will write in a ThunderClan cat's point of view I will add him most of the time :D
on October 08, 2013
on October 05, 2013

on September 29, 2013

I, feel, AWSOME! I just started reading Power of Three 2 days ago but I already read The Sight and Dark River! SO AWSOME I AM SO AMAZED! BEST SERIES YET!

Ahh 'Rising Storm'! It's pretty cool. Anyways, the next two books from series 1 are the best in my opinoin. Especially the last one ;D
on September 29, 2013

on September 29, 2013
on September 08, 2013

So for secrets of the Forrest (I haven't read it yet) is Cloudkit in it?

on September 08, 2013
on September 08, 2013

My warrior cats story is slowly coming along.
on August 29, 2013

3 episodes so far. Watch warrior cats into the wild on YouTube. Episode 3 part 2 recently uploaded. Enjoy:

SSS Warrior cats episodes
fan animation for Erin Hunter's children's novel "Warrior Cats- Into the Wild" about Rusty(Firepaw) - a young house cat's journey of becoming a great wild cat warrior. (The animation is done pure personal interest, no commercial purpose.) I wish you enjoy it!!

My friend has become obsessed with flash recently and I got a few good roles in her fan-'animation' though it'd call is pictures right now. We keep working ;D I am gonna be Bluestar, Yellowfang and Sandpaw. Also I begged for a role of Leopardfur and got one :)
on October 20, 2013
on August 19, 2013

Hey thanks for letting me become a member
on August 16, 2013

Wow, 10 hours and I've read warriors fire and ice. May I ask (it will spoil some 4 myself), does he[firehwart] keep thinking back on the 2 prophecies [fire alone will save the clan] [beware a warrior trator] (not the exact words)?:-O

He does not think about the fire one too much but is a bit aware of the warrior he cannot trust...
on August 29, 2013
on August 14, 2013

on August 04, 2013

Clan: thunderClan
Colors: ginger
Age:204 moons
Clan rank: leader
Other:single, has a scar from shoulder to paw(hidden by fur)
Clan: thunderClan
Colors: ginger
Age:204 moons
Clan rank: leader
Other:single, has a scar from shoulder to paw(hidden by fur)

Name: Flashfur
Gender: Female
Colors: light grey
Age: around 12 moons old
Clan rank: deputy (never becomes leader) See More
Other: Can run 3 times the speed of a normal cat has a evil side effect because of Deathshadow' s scratch.
Gender: Female
Colors: light grey
Age: around 12 moons old
Clan rank: deputy (never becomes leader) See More
Other: Can run 3 times the speed of a normal cat has a evil side effect because of Deathshadow' s scratch.
on August 03, 2013
on August 03, 2013

Calling all cats. I am starting a warrior cats fanfic. I have me and StarFang so far. If you want a main part hurry and give me your name, age, gender, colors, clan rank, and other. Many thanks, Firestar:-B

Feathertail is a 50 moon old she-cat with a sleek silver and white tabby pelt and blue eyes. She is the medicine cat because she broke her leg and limps.
on August 03, 2013
on August 03, 2013

Fun Warrior Fact 12#: Sharpclaw of SkyClan is very loyal but his mother was a kittypet named Jessamy. When her eldery Twoleg left and his younger kin took care of the cats (fed them wrong food, hurt them while playing) Jessamy and het two kits Flower and Scratch(Sharpclaw) escaped and lived as rouges.

Yup, knew that. I could be really useful in warriors facts. I have all of the guide books!
on July 16, 2013
on July 16, 2013

Fun Warrior Fact #10: Firestar's mother, Nutmeg, once had a dream one of her kits with a flame colored pelt was standing on top of a giant rock in the forest. Could this be a vision of Firestar on top of the Great Rock at a Gathering???

Fun Warrior Fact 11#: Scourge hated the dog teeth in his collar, they made it hard for him to swallow and smelled horribly but he had to pay that price to look more fierce
on July 15, 2013
on July 08, 2013

Feathermist! I have an urgent request to make of you! WindClan's nursery is plagued with greencough. Two of our kits are very sick and will die but all the catmint in our territory has vanished! The other clans won't give us any herbs because they think we're lying and that it's impossible for greencough to only appear in a nursery. Please, can SkyClan spare WindClan some catmint? Falconstar said it was okay to ask you.
-Firestorm of WindClan
-Firestorm of WindClan

Oh my StarClan! Of course! I will see to the sick kits right now! There must be hope! I promise to heal your kits as soon as possible!
on July 15, 2013
on July 08, 2013

Fun Warrior Cat #8: Tigerstar's original warrior name was going to be Hammerclaw in the Into the Wild draft, but it was changed because cats don't know what hammers are!

Hahah no it's ok I already read Firestar's Quest a couple of years ago so I knew that happened. I'm just re-reading it
on July 07, 2013

Fun Warrior Fact #9 Sharpclaw's original name was Scratch, only he and Hutch didn't get warrior names starting with their real names in 'Firestar's Quest'
on July 05, 2013
on July 04, 2013

Tallstar's Revenge was released today!! I bought the book and I'm happy to say what I've read so far is very good! But I won't give anything away ;) Read the book if you want to know!!

Aw foxdung, I'm behind in the books. I'm waiting on my order of fire and ice, iv been waiting for a good 3 weeks now.
on August 02, 2013
on July 03, 2013