Warriors Fan Page!
Welcome to the Warriors Fan Page! Talk about your clan, your cat, and your life! Discuss anything and everything warrior cats! Feel free to discuss your favorite cats, the best cats, and the worst ones. Just please don't say anything bad about warriors! I'll try to post a random fun fact about the Warriors series every other day or so as well. Just have fun and let your imagination run! Singned, Firestorm of WindClan

Fun Warrior Fact #7: Rowanclaw was only made Tawnypelt's mate because his gender was confused so many times as a female and the Erin Hunters felt bad for him!

Yeah, I knew that! It's funny!
on July 16, 2013
on July 01, 2013

ThunderClan be warned!! Try to invade WindClan territory again ans we'll shred you even more thAn we did last sunrise! These are Falconstar's words!
-Firestorm of WindClan
-Firestorm of WindClan
on June 29, 2013

Fun Warrior Fact #5: Firestar shares a father with Scourge, Ruby, and Socks! That means Firestar's half brother was Scourge!

Oh yeah they said that in Crookedstar's Promise! Good thing Mapleshade's kin didn't become RiverClan's leader!
on June 29, 2013

I knew that!
Fun Warrior Fact #6: Mapleshade's kits would have become Clan leaders if Crookedstar wasn't born!
Fun Warrior Fact #6: Mapleshade's kits would have become Clan leaders if Crookedstar wasn't born!
on June 29, 2013
on June 28, 2013

Fun Warrior Fact #4: Sunstar of ThunderClan was only given eight lives when he went to the Moonstone. StarClan never granted him a ninth life because the former leader, Pinestar, was still alive!

Maybe! But he would be too wittle and small to hate them SO much right away. He was like a few days when Pinestar left
on July 21, 2013

Another fact: tigerstar probs hates kittypets cuz his father left ThunderClan to become a kittypet (it reminds me of Voldemort, in Harry Potter, hating muggles because his father was a muggle)
Another fact: tigerstar probs hates kittypets cuz his father left ThunderClan to become a kittypet (it reminds me of Voldemort, in Harry Potter, hating muggles because his father was a muggle)
on July 16, 2013
on June 26, 2013

Fun Warrior Fact #3: WIndClan used to use the technique of tunneling when they lived in their forest home, but tunneling has since been abandoned once the clans moved to the lake!
on June 25, 2013

Fun Warrior Fact #1: Did you know Blackstar of ShadowClan comes from a line of polydactal cats? This means he has six toes on one paw! Look it up if you don't believe me ;)

I know. And Graystripe is spelled with an "A", not an "E". "Graystripe", not "Greystripe"
on July 21, 2013

Hehe, just a funnz little connection. And I realize Lionblaze is golden, but it it a bit likr ginger.
on July 21, 2013

And jay probs gets his coloring from ashfoot, and holly gets her coloring from Crowfeather!
on July 16, 2013
on June 23, 2013

Hello and welcome everyone! My name is Firestorm and I am in WndClan. Our new leader, Falconstar is pleased to call WindClan the most honorable of the clans! Just the other day we chased off a badger from our territory! He won't be back any time soon!
-Firestorm of WindClan
-Firestorm of WindClan

Hello I am Firestar (if you'll let me) I am ThumderClans leader. Thunderclans queens have given us 12 new kits.
~Firestar of Thumderclan~
~Firestar of Thumderclan~
on August 02, 2013

It is so good to see you all WindClan! I am sure I'll enjoy my stay here. I will maybe tel you a bit about SkyClan if you'd like Firestorm
Feathermist of SkyClan
Feathermist of SkyClan
on July 05, 2013

Feathermist! It's so good to see you! Welcome to WindClan's camp. Ignore Crowfeather, you know how elders are with strangers. He's always had a sharp tongue! Oh, there's Graybreeze over there, that pale gray and white tabby drying leaves next to that rock. I hope you too can find a lot in common!
-Firestorm of WindClan
-Firestorm of WindClan
on July 01, 2013

Not yet but she'll have em' in a moon or so. Anyways, I'm at Highstones now and will come into WindClan territory in one sunhigh. And thanks for the warning!
Feathermist of SkyClan
Feathermist of SkyClan
on June 29, 2013

Ok but I must warn you to be careful. There's a nasty female badger that's made its home on the moor! Tell Cherrytail to keep a sharp eye out for her. Also, has Cherrytail had Sharpclaw's kits yet?
-Firestorm of WindClan
-Firestorm of WindClan
on June 28, 2013
on June 23, 2013