Lexi: All of them LOVE you. How'd you do that? Even BEN loves you. BEN: Hehehe. See you tonight in your dreams. Lexi: BEN!!!! Jack: *blushes* Hehe. Smile Doggy: Can we go on a walk...and can you bring that poodle. :)
After the bullies got his brother locked up, for doing nothing wrong, he went kind of crazy. The bullies bleached and burnt his skin. So he has pale white skin, and after he went crazy he grabbed a kinfe and cut his mouth so that he would always be smiling. . This is your future, embrace it. *hypothetically speaking*
you were in your room.. finally waking up.. when you turned to see jeff staring from above you he raised the knife and jetting it down.. you quickly rustled to the side of the bed and kicked him straight in the face he stopped for a moment, which gave you time to run.. but just barely.. you made it outside and into the police station were you were safe.