How much do you Me? (Jeff the killer) Lets see how much you me. Maybe we can best buds. Maybe I will kill you Icekiller46 published on July 17, 2013 Stacked 1/7 Do you think you would pass this? Yeah because I love creepypasta No. I don't really care 2/7 Which two are my best friends? Slendy and Smiley Masky and Appy 3/7 If we were besties,what would we do? Hugs you because I love you! Pfft. Why would I be besties with you? YOU MONSTER 4/7 What do I to a person when he/she is sleeping? Wait for them to wake up,say go to sleep and kill them! Give them a hug and read a bed time story 5/7 How cool do you think I am? You are really cool,awesome,and really CUTE! You are horrible! Why would people think you are cool!? 6/7 How much swag do I have? LOTS OF SWAG!! Killers don't have swag 7/7 Who is my enemy? Jane the pancake flipping killer Slendy