creepypasta boyfriend LOL What's up everyone. It's your girl chaos. I'm back with another creepypasta quiz. I gathered the guys again only there are a couple new boys here. So have fun and don't piss them off. haley.jellison.9 published on July 20, 2013 Stacked 1/7 C'mon who's first? (Jeff:I'll go I guess.) Way to go Jeff. You sound thoroughly enthused. -_-' (Jeff: whatever. Favorite thing to do?) (Ben: Wow you finally asked a different question.) (Jeff: shut up!) Play video games and pown newbs. (Ben: AWESOMENESS!!) Play pokemon and draw. I design my own sometimes. (Red: that sounds cool. You'll have to show me your designs sometime.) Sharpen my big ass knife. (Jeff: sounds like an awesome date to me!) Play pokemon on my gameboy. It's fun and captured almost all the pokemon I need. (Lost silver: I can help you catch the rest if you would like. I like to do nature walks and spend most of my time outside. (Slenderman: that sounds absolutely delightful!) Make cheesecake and bake. I love cooking. (Masky: you're amazing!!!) 2/7 Next! (Ben: I wanna ask the sexy babe!) ...Seriously Ben? (Ben: Shut up! What is your favorite video game?) Well I guess that's different. COD Black Ops 2! (Ben: cool I guess.) (Jeff: AWESOME!!!) Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask for sure. (Ben: AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!!!) Slender. (Slenderman: Excellent choice!) Bakery story Halloween addition. (Masky: YAY baking!) Pokemon black. (L.S.: terrific!!) Anything pokemon. (Red: Cool.) 3/7 Now it's your turn slenderman. (Slenderman: must I?) *my eyes turn red, my teeth turn into fangs, and my fingers turn to daggers* QUIT BEING A PUSS AND DO IT!!! (slenderman: Alright, alright I'll ask the damn question. What is your opinions on nature?) I think it should be protected and preserved. (Slenderman: How lovely. I feel the same way.) Nature is nice I guess, but I don't really know. I live in the city. (Slenderman: poor child.) (Jeff: Hey I think you live close by me! ^v^) It's fine, but I'd rather be inside playing video games. (Slenderman: Here Ben, you can have her.) ( Ben: SWEET!!) I love nature. It has the most wholesome ingredients for my pies. (Slenderman: I guess that's a good answer.) (Masky: we can be baking buddies!) My pokemon love nature. Mostly bulbasaur hahaha he always loves to role around in the grass. (Lost silver: that sounds like an epic time.) My pokemon always seem to set everything on fire uh...I guess not. (Slenderman: hmph. Ungrateful child.) (Red: sorry to hear that. I can help yo... 4/7 Hey masky, what about you? Do you wanna ask a question? (Masky: sure! Do like cheesecake?) Yes yes yes and double yes!!! Occasionally. I'm trying to watch my weight. (Slenderman: that's understandable.) No I sorry, but I'm lactosintollerant. (Masky: oh ok that's fine. Thank you for being honest.) (Jeff: that was sweet.) Yes, but I always make mine into shapes. So far my favorite one is the I made that looks like Majora's Mask. (Ben: Wow so cool! Can I have a piece?) Yes but everytime I do make it my charmander eats it all. (Lost silver:haha cute!) I made a pokeball cheesecake once and it was delicious! (Red: Aaaaaw I wish could have a piece.) 5/7 Yo silver! Your turn! (Lost silver: ok. Favorite kolor?) real creative. Red Black and white Red and white GREEN! Silver. Yellow 6/7 C'mon red time for your question. (Red:YAY! What would your name be if you were a pokemon master?) Way to mix it up a bit dude!) Snake werner. Namine ritzu. Aquroia lapis. Camilia blossom. Blair kit norma switch. 7/7 Ok here's my question. What's your favorite song? Blow me by jeffree star I'm in love with a killer by jeffree star Sexting by BOTDF Insanity by miki and kaito I don't wanna die by Hollywood undead Killin it by krewella Kill everybody by skrillex