Could you help Jeff kill slendy? Hai! Help me kill slender for going on a crazy rampage! We're gonna kill him! Icekiller46 published on August 16, 2013 Stacked 1/7 If you chose hide in the house,where would you hide? in the bedroom Behind the door In the bathroom 2/7 You and Jeff walk into slender woods and your hear something in the bushes and trees. What would you say to Jeff? Hey Jeff,did you hear that? Its probably just the wind.. Nothing because I said no for helping him 3/7 Slender is in front of you! Jeff goes for the attack but he was caught by Slender's back arms! You use your.. Gun to kill him but be careful because you do not want to kill jeff or you be on your own Run towards slender and do the famous chuck Norris round house kick! Let him kill Jeff 4/7 Slender is about to use the screen shaking powers thing as if he was really close to you. Where you run to escape that sound? Climb a tree and stay up there to calm down Hide in the house somewhere Get out of slender woods 5/7 If you chose get out of slender woods,why would you do that? To let Jeff do all the work Its a bit safer Stay there to rest for a while then come back to help 6/7 Jeff asks you to help him kill slendyman what would you say? Yes I would totally help! Heck no. Im on slender's side FTW! Maybe.. 7/7 You both see a body on the ground. Its the previous guy that was in slender woods. He was able to find all the stuff from Cody. You continue to go forward,but then the body suddenly gets up and tries to tell you something but you thought he was gonna kill you so you pulled out.. My gun and shot him Not listen to what he has to say Be careful going over to him but you listen to him in case he might give some useful advice