here r some of my fave lyrics i’ve ever written tbh
“maybe it’s the drinks or i’m falling in love,/it all tastes the same to me”
“you say you like my makeup/so make it run down my face tonight”
“your eyes are getting heavy/and we’re both feeling weak in the knees”
“you know i like a fella who can play guitar/and a whisper in the wind tells me you’re kind of a rockstar
“even though you think you might’ve found what makes you happy, soon enough you’ll learn that nothing gold See More can stay”
“i know you know that shit that you’ve been drinking/doesn’t taste as good coming back up”
“government-mandated catboys/and legally forced yassification”
“someone to look deep inside you and see/someone who loves you for all that you can be”
“when i come across a lucky clover, i know exactly what i want to do/i’d give it to my long lost little lover, ‘cause baby i’m so lucky i met you”
“old plain city/isn’t it a pity that the clock tower no longer chimes”
“the kids who once went to the old elementary not with behind it to get stoned/and i once walked these streets with my lover beside me, not i walk through plain city alone”
“honey i love you. i wanna be together for our whole lives/honey i love you. together we can build a hive sweet hive”
“maybe it’s the drinks or i’m falling in love,/it all tastes the same to me”
“you say you like my makeup/so make it run down my face tonight”
“your eyes are getting heavy/and we’re both feeling weak in the knees”
“you know i like a fella who can play guitar/and a whisper in the wind tells me you’re kind of a rockstar
“even though you think you might’ve found what makes you happy, soon enough you’ll learn that nothing gold See More can stay”
“i know you know that shit that you’ve been drinking/doesn’t taste as good coming back up”
“government-mandated catboys/and legally forced yassification”
“someone to look deep inside you and see/someone who loves you for all that you can be”
“when i come across a lucky clover, i know exactly what i want to do/i’d give it to my long lost little lover, ‘cause baby i’m so lucky i met you”
“old plain city/isn’t it a pity that the clock tower no longer chimes”
“the kids who once went to the old elementary not with behind it to get stoned/and i once walked these streets with my lover beside me, not i walk through plain city alone”
“honey i love you. i wanna be together for our whole lives/honey i love you. together we can build a hive sweet hive”
on May 20, 2022

even my lyrics have gotten sm better “hOLLywOOd bOy ? tHe iNDustRy’s tOy?” wtf was tgat
on May 20, 2022

i love how my songwriting has evolved
in 2020 i was like “yeah this is a song about how much i hate isaac fuckk isaac all my homies hate isaac”
in 2022 i’m j like “okay so this song’s about spending prom with someone who’s drunk and how he’s not gonna remember this night but you will”
in 2020 i was like “yeah this is a song about how much i hate isaac fuckk isaac all my homies hate isaac”
in 2022 i’m j like “okay so this song’s about spending prom with someone who’s drunk and how he’s not gonna remember this night but you will”
on May 20, 2022

on May 19, 2022

the concept album so far
-opening song i haven’t written yet smth ab our first interaction/me realizing
-some kind of filler song ab how pretty he is probably
-ruin yourself (prob the best song on the track, ab prom)
-someone (working title, basically me telling him i want to hold him and tell him he’s okay)
-another filler ab him being pretty that needs to be written
-the clogs stay on (this might not go on the album bc it doesn’t really fit the sweet/sad/sensual vibe—it’s See More about p3gging)
-a song that’s too short (probably the saddest song, a simple two verse piece with no chorus about how our time is too limited. the song itself is an allegory. as the title suggests, it’s short, only around a minute long. the first verse is kind of a general passage about how good times fly by and the other referencing the prom motive from ruin yourself in a more specific sense rather than “ur drunk i’m in love”)
-opening song i haven’t written yet smth ab our first interaction/me realizing
-some kind of filler song ab how pretty he is probably
-ruin yourself (prob the best song on the track, ab prom)
-someone (working title, basically me telling him i want to hold him and tell him he’s okay)
-another filler ab him being pretty that needs to be written
-the clogs stay on (this might not go on the album bc it doesn’t really fit the sweet/sad/sensual vibe—it’s See More about p3gging)
-a song that’s too short (probably the saddest song, a simple two verse piece with no chorus about how our time is too limited. the song itself is an allegory. as the title suggests, it’s short, only around a minute long. the first verse is kind of a general passage about how good times fly by and the other referencing the prom motive from ruin yourself in a more specific sense rather than “ur drunk i’m in love”)
on May 19, 2022

working on a concept album. i have the concept and like four or five songs so far. heavily twin fantasy + tomorrow is nearly yesterday and every day is stupid inspired.

haven’t named yet. possible names r ‘ms sunshine and the lunar eclipse’ ‘two virgins’ and ‘dutchie’
on May 18, 2022
on May 18, 2022

just took my last rver final exam while mildly stined
on May 18, 2022

how to hold a foreign exchange student fugitive in your dorm
on May 18, 2022

well. he leaves two weeks from today.
though the good news is my tarot deck says he will miss me agonizingly. and that we will cross paths again. (the cards for the latter question were the empress and hierophant which strongly suggest a possible long term relationship, platonic or romantic.)
though the good news is my tarot deck says he will miss me agonizingly. and that we will cross paths again. (the cards for the latter question were the empress and hierophant which strongly suggest a possible long term relationship, platonic or romantic.)
on May 17, 2022

i poster yella fella amd he saw it but didn’t say anything ?
on May 17, 2022

j got called “virgin bitch” YES

on May 16, 2022
on May 16, 2022

also he’s really sick rn so his voice is hot. manifesting he says something later
on May 16, 2022

update i haven’t been indie fella degraded yet? he approached me earlier but this other kid started talking before he could say anything. so sad
on May 16, 2022

i have two days left of school. excited but sad.
excited to start college, gonna miss my childhood and my homeward-bound love.
excited to start college, gonna miss my childhood and my homeward-bound love.
on May 16, 2022