on May 16, 2022

the way i know exactly where this is going
on May 15, 2022

on May 14, 2022

my last day of high skool is tuesday so let’s do a top 10 moments of senior year
10: playing a gig in front of several hundred people while in tears because my friend was throwing up backstage
9: singing karaoke after homecoming with my friends
8: the bonfire after a parade i was in
7: watching ✨blondie✨ inhale 6 cookies even though he’s like 3 pounds
6: jokingly thinking to myself that it’d be funny if the music theory ap test had this one song on it and then it actually See More did
5: when ✨blondie✨ gave me an origami heart
4: when my friend and i repaired our friendship after a massive fight
3: getting accepted into my dream college with several thousand dollars in scholarships
2: seeing elton john in concert
1: prom with ✨blondie✨
10: playing a gig in front of several hundred people while in tears because my friend was throwing up backstage
9: singing karaoke after homecoming with my friends
8: the bonfire after a parade i was in
7: watching ✨blondie✨ inhale 6 cookies even though he’s like 3 pounds
6: jokingly thinking to myself that it’d be funny if the music theory ap test had this one song on it and then it actually See More did
5: when ✨blondie✨ gave me an origami heart
4: when my friend and i repaired our friendship after a massive fight
3: getting accepted into my dream college with several thousand dollars in scholarships
2: seeing elton john in concert
1: prom with ✨blondie✨
on May 14, 2022

do u ever j cry and scream bc somebody is so beautiful
on May 13, 2022

did i literally manifest a real life thomas jerome newton

on May 11, 2022
on May 11, 2022

yknow how davy jones gets the sparkles in his eyes when he looks at someone yeah
on May 09, 2022

we’re gonna pretend i did not make that last post
on May 05, 2022

on May 04, 2022

on May 04, 2022