wdym my ex absolutely hated me and ignored me and now some random guy from Jersey wrote me five paragraphs on why he deserves a chance

7 days ago

his writing wasn't even v good but I feel like he deserves that chance after five paragraphs
7 days ago
7 days ago

hi guys me and boyf just broke up like two days ago bc I lowk want to kay em ess and got drunk withy best friend and his ex's best friend???
on February 21

hi guys I feel like I need to say I'm so happy tt is back but like ... trump deffo planned that bro was diabolically plotting nd just wanted to get people on his side again bcs he had a savior complex !!!

I also just argued with some person bcs they posted and were like "omg guys why can't I download it" and when I swiped up and told them it's a flappy bird situation rn they were like "no trump said he was gonna fix it". No. He fixed the SERVER and that's it come on 😠I don't get how people are being so dramatic AND believing what trump is saying
on January 20
on January 20

Why in the world did we have a qfeast foot contest
on January 08

should I start using the qfeet diary again I feel like I should
on January 05

I can confidently say I have never once changed my user on this site (im too lazy to think of a new one)

on January 05
on January 05

Hi guys first why is the format so different
second happy new years??
Anyways updates
- the squirrel is dead
- now have another dog (he's a sheepadoodle xl bully mix and his name is wilbur. he has a mohawk.)
- violently ill rn
- spent three days with boyf while he was on leave (we got back together after he got back from boot camp) See More
- saw apes of the state and met up with online friends there + my sister cried when she met molly and april
- got kicked out of cosmetology school bcs my instructor hated me (needed a 71 to pass and got a 70)
- did NOT see 6arelyhuman because my best friend dropped me for a guy and then later found out the guy was lying to him about things I did
- friends with him again but keeping him at a sold distance
- boyf has either ulcerative colitis or chrons and is getting a colonoscopy this upcoming week and may be getting medically discharged??
- he is ALSO actively flying back to pensacola bcs his leave is over 👎
- going to sonic temple this year I think
- haven't had a job since august bcs of my mom but I'm looking for one rn and might be going back to my old one???
- reconnected with one of my friends from freshman yr after we both got pulled out of our old school in 2022 and have both moved multiple times
- so many deaths, illnesses and injuries thanksgiving weekend omg
I think that's it but good for you if you read all that ðŸ˜
second happy new years??
Anyways updates
- the squirrel is dead
- now have another dog (he's a sheepadoodle xl bully mix and his name is wilbur. he has a mohawk.)
- violently ill rn
- spent three days with boyf while he was on leave (we got back together after he got back from boot camp) See More
- saw apes of the state and met up with online friends there + my sister cried when she met molly and april
- got kicked out of cosmetology school bcs my instructor hated me (needed a 71 to pass and got a 70)
- did NOT see 6arelyhuman because my best friend dropped me for a guy and then later found out the guy was lying to him about things I did
- friends with him again but keeping him at a sold distance
- boyf has either ulcerative colitis or chrons and is getting a colonoscopy this upcoming week and may be getting medically discharged??
- he is ALSO actively flying back to pensacola bcs his leave is over 👎
- going to sonic temple this year I think
- haven't had a job since august bcs of my mom but I'm looking for one rn and might be going back to my old one???
- reconnected with one of my friends from freshman yr after we both got pulled out of our old school in 2022 and have both moved multiple times
- so many deaths, illnesses and injuries thanksgiving weekend omg
I think that's it but good for you if you read all that ðŸ˜

@TinyGoat he also looks like Lord farquad and sent me dick pics while I was sick and watching a movie in bed with my mom 😔
on January 05

@TinyGoat he said me and my friends drained his cart at a fb game even though only two of us hit it a couple times
on January 05

@TinyGoat I must confess I flirted with said guy while they were broken up (I wanted free weed and he got three responses a day)
on January 05
on January 05

I have a pet squirrel now??? His sitting on my shoulder as I'm typing this
on August 06, 2024

Does anybody remember the joke ab there being another side of qfeast we acted like there was a whole other DIMENSION
on July 21, 2024

Also guys while hanging out with my friends the other night we were in Ian's van and we were all drinking and smoking but there's a video of ian moss and I taking a shot together and I accidentally coughed it up and spit it all over
on July 19, 2024

Umm new update cause holy shit a lot has happened?
- talking to a new person who has the same name as my ex
- said ex got shipped out to boot camp monday
- been hanging out with my friends moss, jade and ian a lot
- might get kicked out (again)
- grounded from going to work???? wtf
- did NOT get to see days n daze :( See More
- going to a random festival saturday? it's like a hot air balloon festival idk
- talking to a new person who has the same name as my ex
- said ex got shipped out to boot camp monday
- been hanging out with my friends moss, jade and ian a lot
- might get kicked out (again)
- grounded from going to work???? wtf
- did NOT get to see days n daze :( See More
- going to a random festival saturday? it's like a hot air balloon festival idk
on July 19, 2024

on July 19, 2024

Sometimes I feel bad for kids with current brainrot but then I remember things like naked elton john, jared//pegged and piss song 99
on July 16, 2024

If I ever have children I'm gonna trauma dump like my dad did to me but it's actually just gonna be qfeast lore
on July 14, 2024

Guys i just realized I'm starting school in like a month holy fuckk I barely know anyone at this one and it'll be the fourth school since March last year and its culinary??? I don't know ANYBODY in that program I know some people in cosmetology, i.t and large animal science but I will know nobody in this program help???

Also 4got I can't say fuckk on here what's with that I have seen people say the craziest slurs what
on July 14, 2024
on July 14, 2024

Why is the concept of gravy so weird. Like the weird gray one. Not the brown one
on July 04, 2024

Update !!!
-broke up with my bf (who I genuinely adore and love more than anything but things were going really bad)
-started a job where my best friends mom is my manager and multiple of my coworkers are trying to hook up with me !!
-had to help at one of our other locations in the area and almost had to call the cops on an old man for persistent sexual harassment of a minor !
-working as much as possible to avoid my violent alcoholic stepdad and my mother who is likely on another See More coke binge !
- getting my first paycheck in 2 days and my mom is trying to monitor all of my money !!!!!
But there is good stuff
-seeing days n daze in a week
-seeing apes of the state September 27th
-skipping my dad's wedding for a 6arelyhuman concert because me and my best friend r getting vip tickets
And more stuff idk
-broke up with my bf (who I genuinely adore and love more than anything but things were going really bad)
-started a job where my best friends mom is my manager and multiple of my coworkers are trying to hook up with me !!
-had to help at one of our other locations in the area and almost had to call the cops on an old man for persistent sexual harassment of a minor !
-working as much as possible to avoid my violent alcoholic stepdad and my mother who is likely on another See More coke binge !
- getting my first paycheck in 2 days and my mom is trying to monitor all of my money !!!!!
But there is good stuff
-seeing days n daze in a week
-seeing apes of the state September 27th
-skipping my dad's wedding for a 6arelyhuman concert because me and my best friend r getting vip tickets
And more stuff idk
on July 04, 2024