gonna yap ab one more small thing i love yapping but talking ab the norah war of 2022 reminded me if this one time i caught a roly poly and posted it on my story (not even a close up) and she FREAKED OUT bc bugs r her trigger like… u draw the line at bugs but it was totally cool for u to non consensually tell me n my friends ur disgusting fantasies ok

id get it if it were a close up or detailed pic of a bug but bro its a roly poly and it was j on my hand in a selfie it looked lile⚫️
on April 25, 2024
on April 25, 2024

going off to war (3 hour orchestration class) soon help
on April 25, 2024

recent updates HEHEHE
-my classes keep getting canceled and its kinda nice but startingggg to get annoying like broo im paying for this
-got an for a job i really really want
-period came hella early im dying
-got to see my gf yesterday but she felt gross so we didn’t do that much (i also didn’t freak out when she said she was nauseous which is CRAZY bc usually i go full fight or flight and i was only a bit anxious) (we dont think its anything contagious, the weather’s been See More bad and she’s sensitive to that)
-registering for classes today and sorta annoyedddd bc registration started on monday for some people n mine doesnt start til noon today so all the classes i want r prob gonna be full:/ i hate registration sm
-[TUCA AND BERTIE SPOILERS] me n my gf finished tuca and bertie (ive already watched it but she hadnt) and god i forgot how weird the season finale is did they really HAVE to have tuca give birth to bertie
-my classes keep getting canceled and its kinda nice but startingggg to get annoying like broo im paying for this
-got an for a job i really really want
-period came hella early im dying
-got to see my gf yesterday but she felt gross so we didn’t do that much (i also didn’t freak out when she said she was nauseous which is CRAZY bc usually i go full fight or flight and i was only a bit anxious) (we dont think its anything contagious, the weather’s been See More bad and she’s sensitive to that)
-registering for classes today and sorta annoyedddd bc registration started on monday for some people n mine doesnt start til noon today so all the classes i want r prob gonna be full:/ i hate registration sm
-[TUCA AND BERTIE SPOILERS] me n my gf finished tuca and bertie (ive already watched it but she hadnt) and god i forgot how weird the season finale is did they really HAVE to have tuca give birth to bertie
on April 24, 2024

i only still use qfeast bc i can satisfy my bitter angry ‘i wanna post ab this online but i wont bc the ppl i dont want to see it will see it’ urges
anywaysss i need to stop holding grudges probably bc why do i care but recently i cant stop thinking ab that one girl i was friends with late 2021-mid 2022 who was chill until she started being gross and overly sexual in this groupchat we were in (she was like 14-16 at the time while the rest of us were like 16-18 through the duration See More of it all) and i blew up at her once bc she started talking about wanting the literal worst thing that’s ever happened to me to happen to her which was really gross and then she got pissy w me for calling her out and started causing problems so i called her out on social media (stupid choice but this girl was a freak) and she sent her grown millennial sister who also dresses like a baby and probably is also into the same freak ass discord kitten lolita shit as her sister to threaten me and try to get cops sent to my house which didnt work bc they thought i lived in a different state
anywaysss i need to stop holding grudges probably bc why do i care but recently i cant stop thinking ab that one girl i was friends with late 2021-mid 2022 who was chill until she started being gross and overly sexual in this groupchat we were in (she was like 14-16 at the time while the rest of us were like 16-18 through the duration See More of it all) and i blew up at her once bc she started talking about wanting the literal worst thing that’s ever happened to me to happen to her which was really gross and then she got pissy w me for calling her out and started causing problems so i called her out on social media (stupid choice but this girl was a freak) and she sent her grown millennial sister who also dresses like a baby and probably is also into the same freak ass discord kitten lolita shit as her sister to threaten me and try to get cops sent to my house which didnt work bc they thought i lived in a different state

@mayonnaise bro is trying to be a singer yet cant handle criticism at all💀 shes going to get DRAGGED in the music biz good lord
on April 26, 2024

@mayonnaise i apologized for being so mean in retaliation bc i felt bad and she was like “well its not ok bc u tried to ruin my career” (bc i told people what she said to me) like girl you said it not me😭
on April 25, 2024
on April 24, 2024

i think this is account is tied to the email i use to apply to jobs💀 if any potential employers (mostly coffee places) r seeing this i am a hard worker im good with people i can learn fast i know how to operate an espresso machine and can tell the difference between a latte and a cappuccino also i have a septum piercing and tattoos pleaseee hire me (please please please please please please please please)
on April 23, 2024

sometimes bpd makes me actually want to shoot myself in the head but im glad i have the most understanding gf
on April 16, 2024

sometimes i b like “im a little upset ab this but no big deal ahahaha” n then i go and put on radiohead
on April 15, 2024

updates tbh
-finally warming up in the city!!
-friday is me n my gf’s 4 month anniversary !!!!!
-got offered a full length folk set (!!!!!) for my school’s music festival
-cant believe the semester is almost over
-i bleached a few chunks of my hair (will post a picture)
-still seeking a job. having 0 luck so far unfortunately, i had 2 interviews and i think i fumbled the first one big time bc i was scared and the second turned me away bc i dont have 1+ years of food service See More experience (it was listed as an entry level position)
-finally warming up in the city!!
-friday is me n my gf’s 4 month anniversary !!!!!
-got offered a full length folk set (!!!!!) for my school’s music festival
-cant believe the semester is almost over
-i bleached a few chunks of my hair (will post a picture)
-still seeking a job. having 0 luck so far unfortunately, i had 2 interviews and i think i fumbled the first one big time bc i was scared and the second turned me away bc i dont have 1+ years of food service See More experience (it was listed as an entry level position)
on April 10, 2024

recent installments
-almost had the lamest bday ever lowkey i woke up at 5 to watch the sunrise and it wasnt worth it at all and the coffee place had 0 pastries and i almost didn’t get to see my gf bc she was sorta sick yesterday (not like badly it was j stress and sleep deprivation and an allergy attack but she’s quite fragile)
-i have my first job interview ever tomorrow!!!! superrrr nervous since its a customer service job and i have never had a job ever (my only customer See More service experience is volunteer work/concession stands)
-the weather is so bad here rn overcast is the worst
-im so tired i stayed up til 1 yesterday bc my gf was here late and i was contemplating letting her stay over but i got scared the ibuprofen would wear off and she’d feel sick again and that makes me anxious (emetophobia) (even tho she just had aches and a stuffy nose and possibly a slight fever which she j gets randomly for no reason??)
-almost had the lamest bday ever lowkey i woke up at 5 to watch the sunrise and it wasnt worth it at all and the coffee place had 0 pastries and i almost didn’t get to see my gf bc she was sorta sick yesterday (not like badly it was j stress and sleep deprivation and an allergy attack but she’s quite fragile)
-i have my first job interview ever tomorrow!!!! superrrr nervous since its a customer service job and i have never had a job ever (my only customer See More service experience is volunteer work/concession stands)
-the weather is so bad here rn overcast is the worst
-im so tired i stayed up til 1 yesterday bc my gf was here late and i was contemplating letting her stay over but i got scared the ibuprofen would wear off and she’d feel sick again and that makes me anxious (emetophobia) (even tho she just had aches and a stuffy nose and possibly a slight fever which she j gets randomly for no reason??)
on March 26, 2024

on March 25, 2024

-my gf and i hit 3 months yayyyy so excited to spend spring w her !!!!!
-midterms are awful this semester and im lowkey beefing with one of my professors rn bc he yaps too much and was really rude to my friend
-i can’t believe im turning 20 in 10 days????what?????
-hyperfixating on hozier BIG TIME rn
-i woke up at 5:30 the other day to catch the sunrise over the lake (SOOOO worth it)
-my gf and i hit 3 months yayyyy so excited to spend spring w her !!!!!
-midterms are awful this semester and im lowkey beefing with one of my professors rn bc he yaps too much and was really rude to my friend
-i can’t believe im turning 20 in 10 days????what?????
-hyperfixating on hozier BIG TIME rn
-i woke up at 5:30 the other day to catch the sunrise over the lake (SOOOO worth it)
on March 16, 2024

ik denk dat nederlands is geen echte taal ☹️☹️☹️
on March 15, 2024

just to make things clear when wildflower and barley is put im going to be 90000x more annoying about liking hozier😁😁😁
on March 14, 2024

fid anyone ever come clean ab those ‘fuckshanked’ ‘fuckfuck’ ‘fuckbrea’ etc accounts who would come on here and harass me constantly ab allegedly pretending to kill myself for attention i thought it was kendall but it was def someone who was in the discord

i still wonder about that sometimes 😭 afaik it wasn't any1 in the discord server tho but sheesh it was fuckked up
on March 08, 2024

i sent them an ip grabber link and it said they were near orlando which would make sense w it being kendall too but her ass was not in the discord
on March 06, 2024
on March 06, 2024