If you invite a bunch of punks to your house show, expect there to be moshing.
If you invite a bunch of street kids to your house, expect there to be chaos.
If you invite a bunch of street kids to your house, expect there to be chaos.

@GhostyToesty expect a nuclear explosion
9 days ago

if you invite a mix of both, expect both
9 days ago
9 days ago

Totally was not expecting there to be an eclipse when I went out to chill with the full moon on the beach at 3am
11 days ago

Cleanup is the best part of the festival cuz the campground's empty and it's just us street kids and the coordinator folks
15 days ago

Spent the entire morning riding around on a trailer bed in the pouring rain picking up and emptying trash barrels. Aside from getting coated in wet sand, it turns out there was a tornado that just narrowly missed us, lol
15 days ago

My partner was flagging traffic and I was hanging out with them (cuz I didn't have any shifts to work) just playing folk music and dancing. Afterwards, A dude from our group came up to us and said that he came out from his shift on parking lot tripping and saw me dancing and he said it was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen >_<
Granted, dude was tripping, BUT it gave me a bit of an ego boost lolol x3
Granted, dude was tripping, BUT it gave me a bit of an ego boost lolol x3
15 days ago

Trash crew brought back a whole box of bacon wrapped chicken on a stick and a pan of tiramisu they dumpstered
19 days ago

ACTUALLY made it to bike week! Not much work, but at least there'll be a bit, aNd I'm surrounded by good people
23 days ago

Are you English/British or Australian? Just asking :}
Also I'm a Hellenist polytheist working with... a bit too many gods/goddesses, but I manage and I practice the craft, mainly with nature-related items, jars, spells, crystal, and stuff in the kitchen :}
Also I'm a Hellenist polytheist working with... a bit too many gods/goddesses, but I manage and I practice the craft, mainly with nature-related items, jars, spells, crystal, and stuff in the kitchen :}

No, I'm 100% aMerican. What made you ask? I've actually been asked by countless people in real life over the years if I'm Australian, Russian, or Native. Usually it's cuz I have a weird accent that jumps around, lol.
Duuude back when I was a teen I also used to be a Hellenist polytheist who worked with way too many deities xD I used to get really caught up in See More trying to be dedicated to specific deities, but I found that they were just coming in and out of my life to guide and teach me. Presently, I'm working with my ancestors and ancestral deities, but the Vedic deities have come into my life. So I'm also working with them.
Do you work with Hestia or Thalassa? They were the two I connected with the most.
It's awesome to meet someone else on here who practices the craft! Well, I might've met another practioner on here but they didn't mention it x3
I also work largely with nature! I use a lot less physical materials nowadays, but when I do, they're usually something I make from or find in nature
Duuude back when I was a teen I also used to be a Hellenist polytheist who worked with way too many deities xD I used to get really caught up in See More trying to be dedicated to specific deities, but I found that they were just coming in and out of my life to guide and teach me. Presently, I'm working with my ancestors and ancestral deities, but the Vedic deities have come into my life. So I'm also working with them.
Do you work with Hestia or Thalassa? They were the two I connected with the most.
It's awesome to meet someone else on here who practices the craft! Well, I might've met another practioner on here but they didn't mention it x3
I also work largely with nature! I use a lot less physical materials nowadays, but when I do, they're usually something I make from or find in nature
24 days ago
25 days ago

I just realized that ppl are using ai to make quizzes. Which, whatever. It just strikes me as odd

i wanna say it's been happening for about a year now? the quizzes, anyway. but we've had bot issues for even longer.
25 days ago

@jetblackraven I'm honestly so slow, lol. I totally assumed the images were from like a stock image site. Somebody asked me if I made my quiz with ai, and that's when it finally clicked for me
25 days ago

25 days ago

25 days ago
25 days ago

Drank some more yerba mate and holy fûck, it's cleaning me out thoroughly
25 days ago

Just found out the hard way the yerba mate does in fact have a laxative effect
25 days ago

I've been praying to and anointing this very western Christian angel statuette like you do with statues of gods in Sanatana Dharma. I found it in my grandmother's belongings, and ya know what, it feels right. That's probably why we've been practicing idolatry for millennia
28 days ago

I wasn't surprised, but it disgusted me so much when my cousin revealed that my mother was initially gonna give me an ultimatum: either I stay in jail or she'll bail me out if I live with her and never speak to my partner again.
Like?? I was vibing and making friends in jail, I was prepping myself to be in there for the long haul. I'm not as weak as she thinks I am. As fūcked up as it sounds, I was even relieved to be in jail cuz that gave me an excuse to not be in contact with See More her. That's why she didn't even get the chance to give me an ultimatum (lolol) and my partner ended up busting their ass to get me out themself
Like?? I was vibing and making friends in jail, I was prepping myself to be in there for the long haul. I'm not as weak as she thinks I am. As fūcked up as it sounds, I was even relieved to be in jail cuz that gave me an excuse to not be in contact with See More her. That's why she didn't even get the chance to give me an ultimatum (lolol) and my partner ended up busting their ass to get me out themself
29 days ago

It was nice finally kicking it and talking with my cousin yesterday. She confirmed that my mother is in fact batshit crazy and I don't have to feel guilty for not giving into her demands to leave my life and partner behind in order to go back to living alone and miserable with her
29 days ago