getsherlock added a new chapter to Mandela Effect

first off, i don't know too much so i will be updating this when i learn more, but this will be a relatively short chapter.
so everyone knows mandela died in 2013........ some people's reactions were "wait, what???" people believed that he died in the 80s while in prison... they can remember what they were doing when they heard the news, what news channel, and even what anchor gave the news. wouldn't that be a surprise, to wake up and hear on the news that somone who's been dead for years, h... Read Full Chapter
so everyone knows mandela died in 2013........ some people's reactions were "wait, what???" people believed that he died in the 80s while in prison... they can remember what they were doing when they heard the news, what news channel, and even what anchor gave the news. wouldn't that be a surprise, to wake up and hear on the news that somone who's been dead for years, h... Read Full Chapter
on September 19, 2015

getsherlock added a story to the favorite list

SHORT Remake of the Hunger Games!!
on August 12, 2014

Sorry about that last chp I added on to do or not to do. It kinda sucked. The next one will be much better.
on August 10, 2014

getsherlock asked a question

i like my bff and i think he likes me too! what do i do? my bestfriend has been telling...
on July 30, 2014