this story follows the life of a man who is pure of heart since the surgery. This story is about Oraki after the story and after he meets Crystal the girl that would never leave him. But long after his surgery which turned him into what he was he starts to feel insane and his life goes down hill
One day I woke and felt like crap. I looked over and saw crystal was sound asleep. I sat up and a surge of pain went through my head. I put my hand on my head. ow I just usually get light headed. I thought. I looked at the time and saw that it was 2 in the morning. what is going on I thought. I got out of bed and walked around the house. I walked back into my room and Crystal was still asleep but floating. "Are you kidding me" I said. I smiled and got up on the bed and waved my hand above her checking for wires. When I figured out that there was no wires my smile went away. "What is going on" I said. Crystals eyes opened and she looked at me. her mouth opened and she started to talk But her voice didn't come out it was my mothers voice. "Help me I'm burning will you please help me Oraki." I backed away and fell off the bed. I hit the window sill on the way down. the last thing I saw was crystal coming towards. Then everything went black. when I woke up Crystal was sitting next to me. "Are you ok?" she asked. "yeah I'm fine." I told her. "what happened last night?" She asked. "You wouldn't believe me if I told." I said. "Oraki I would believe anything you say. "No you wouldn't." I said.