Dear Diary

9:27 A.M.
Dear Diary,
I caught Cody cheating on me again with Emily. This has been the third time in a row now, but finally. No more hearing stories from my friends because now I finally caught him with my own eyes. There's no more fussing, no more fighting, no more taking sides because now, this is it. The last straw; the last stand. He has a choice; it's either me or Emily. Of course, he chooses Emily. Why? She's beautiful, has a body, she's rich, smart, confident. She's everything that I'm not, but so be it.
So be it.
The last straw.
The last stand.
Diary, I'm sorry. Please help me, I can't stop myself. Please help. My parents nor my friends can't help me now. Nobody can help me...or save me.
Please help me,
July 26, 2011
1:05 P.M.
Dear Diary,
It's me again. It's raining outside and it's cold. I'm at the lake right now and I decided to bring you and Mr. Knife along with me for company. I'm not sure if you ever met Mr. Knife, but I don't think you ever will. My wrist did, and Mr. Knife left five scars on my right wrist. The scars have been there for the past hour now. It doesn't hurt that much like it did a while ago. Some of the blood was hard to get off so now my shirt is stained, but I don't mind. The blood is a reminder of what the pain feels like and what death should look like if I had dug the blade in a little deeper.
Good news Diary. I am not alone at the lake. Cody is here with his girlfriend Emily. He is wearing the blue and white striped shirt I bought for him for his birthday along with a pair of ripped faded jeans and white Nikes, but Emily was wearing shorts and a pink tank top. I swear Diary, the look happy together. It makes me wonder if Cody was ever that happy with me when he and I were together.
Funny thing is Diary, they don't notice me. I wondered if they saw when they were pulling up? Probably not right? Their on the other side anyway and I'm the opposite. I see Emily has a basket in her hand. Awww Diary, they're having a picnic. Sadly, Cody and I never had a picnic. If I do recall, Cody and I never did anything romantic like that Diary. I could be wrong, but I don't think we ever went on pinics or went places together. Diary? What does Emily have that I don't have?
Diary....I'm starting to feel weird again. Oh my god please help me....please. Oh my god, here I go again. Oh no not again. Diary...?
July 26, 2011
6:55 P.M.
Dear Diary,
Diary? I'm sorry; I'm so sorry. I'm not myself right now. I swear I'm not. I don't know who I am anymore. I'm not me. I'm not the girl who I thought I was. I'm not the sweet, loving, caring person I thought or what you thought I was. I'm not that girl anymore. Diary? I'm scared. I'm so scared. I'm a monster now. Maybe not a monster, but I hate to think of something worse than that. I swear diary, somethings wrong with me. Something is happening to me. Something bad is going to happen; something very bad. How do I know that? Well because my hands are reaching for Mr. Knife right now. Mr. Knife is telling me he wants to meet Cody and Emily....
Help me diary,
July 26, 2011
9:27 P.M.
Are you there? Please I need you! I'm all alone now. It's dark and cold and I'm all alone. I don't want to be alone! Diary, I have a confession to make: I'm not scared anymore. With you and my new best friend Mr. Knife here with me, I can get through anything. You should of seen it diary. Mr. Knife and I took care of Emily and Cody. Emily was the first to go, of course, because Mr. Knife thought it would be sweet to save Cody for last. You have to admit Diary, Mr. Knife did have a point there.
We did save Cody for last though which was a really good idea and guess what Diary? Mr. Knife came up with a new game that I don't think little kids even invented yet. It's called "Doctor". How you play is from what Mr. Knife told me is that you have to remove as much limbs and organs as you can from the body and hide them in different places that nobody will be able to find them. All I hid was both of Cody's arms and hands, but his fingers I cut off one by one and hid them each in a different place. I scattered all the body parts and organs everywhere Diary. I guess you could say it was like an Easter egg hunt, only problem is, nobody would be able to find them haha.
Oh my god diary, do you smell that? Smells like something's dead. Opps. Sorry diary. I forgot to get rid of Emily's body. Be right back.
July 26, 2011
11:45 P.M.
Dear Diary,
Just got back home from the lake. It was a cold night for me, but I've been through worse. I dashed Cody's limbless body somewhere far deep in the woods. As for Emily, well, Mr. Knife had a little fun with her lets just say that.
By the way Diary, I apologize, for getting blood smeared all over your pages and cover. I need to take a shower as so does Mr. Knife. Oh and another thing Diary before I let you go, before I left home, the lake doesn't look or feel the same as it did before. I guess maybe it's because Emily's body pieces were all floating on top of the water like lily pads and Cody's body pieces were hidden in the ground just waiting to be walked on and never to be found.
Well I got to go now. Got to clean up Mr. Knife and put him in a place where mom keeps her silverware at. In case the cops come looking for Cody and Emily's killer, I won't have no evidence left behind to make the cops think it was me. I threw away my sneakers, my old clothes that I wore today, now, I gotta throw you away. Sorry friend, but that's just the way it is now, but I'll give you some heads up on what I'm about to do now; Diary? Have you ever touch fire before...
P.S. Thank you; I feel free.
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Ben: But you did that before. With Jack, remember?
Lexi: Oh yah. . . .
Jack: It was fun. Poor, poor mailman. He forgot my package knife. >:(
Ben: Well, I know one thing. He shouldn't have done THAT. Lolz. :D Great story.