Attention! All qfeasters are going to write a letter 'Q' on their hand to see if there are any more of us out near where we live. Send this to 10 people and try to spread the message
on November 22, 2013

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 4 Promo
on November 02, 2013

emilija.baniulyte added a new chapter to 30 day Adventure Time challenge

Day 2
Episode.....Um.I guess burning low,worm king(or king of worms..forgot)and the episode with flame princess talking to Finn first time(not a good memorizer)
Read Full Chapter
on August 23, 2013

on August 23, 2013

please subscribe http://www.qfeast.com/page/856/awkward-moments

awkward moments
subscribe to this page if you want everyday awkward moments post in your newsfeed
note: i can't accept membership requests becz i don't know how to! But if u wanna be a member u can request i'll try my best to learn how to accept them!
on August 23, 2013

emilija.baniulyte asked a question
Would you like 30 day challange's? I found sooo many 30 day challange's so i want to do...
on August 20, 2013

Hi! I just saw the episode where twilight becomes a alicorn, I remember I was going "WWWHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTT!!!! :-O:-O

on August 17, 2013

I like the idea of Twilicorn,becouse there's more of ideas to write,but i don't really like the idea that she might be immortal..Her friends and family die andd she alive forevaaa
on August 16, 2013
on August 16, 2013

emilija.baniulyte added a new chapter to My little pony:new friendship

Chapter 3
*Light Splash P.O.V*
I was hoping and hoping and hoping.But than i saw a filly with an open mouth watching at me and Rainbow.She had orange coat and was with light purple mane or was it dark pink.I barely noticed.She stared at us and than her face turned sad.She turned around and started to walk slowly towards a house..I think it was her home.
Light Splash:Who was she?
RD:Her name is Scootaloo.She wanted to become my student.She wanted me to take her under my wing,but i chosed you without ... Read Full Chapter
I was hoping and hoping and hoping.But than i saw a filly with an open mouth watching at me and Rainbow.She had orange coat and was with light purple mane or was it dark pink.I barely noticed.She stared at us and than her face turned sad.She turned around and started to walk slowly towards a house..I think it was her home.
Light Splash:Who was she?
RD:Her name is Scootaloo.She wanted to become my student.She wanted me to take her under my wing,but i chosed you without ... Read Full Chapter
on August 14, 2013

emilija.baniulyte added a new chapter to MLP story "The Ponycalipse:its just begining.

Chapter 6(I can't think of a name)
They runed to the castle.
-We got to hurry!Block the castle shining!-Cadence said.
Shining armor blocked all the doors and the windows.
-I maybe can make a cure,but i'll need time,-Twilight said.
Cadence:(My new tipe of dialoge)There is no cure.
Twilight:W-what?There's got to be.
Cadence:But there isn't.Only the elements can beat the evil in Equestria.
Twi:But Pinkie Pie..
Cadence:I know...We must find our all time hideout and search for food.
Twi:But there's got to be a way.I can fe... Read Full Chapter
-We got to hurry!Block the castle shining!-Cadence said.
Shining armor blocked all the doors and the windows.
-I maybe can make a cure,but i'll need time,-Twilight said.
Cadence:(My new tipe of dialoge)There is no cure.
Twilight:W-what?There's got to be.
Cadence:But there isn't.Only the elements can beat the evil in Equestria.
Twi:But Pinkie Pie..
Cadence:I know...We must find our all time hideout and search for food.
Twi:But there's got to be a way.I can fe... Read Full Chapter
on August 12, 2013


on June 15, 2013
on June 15, 2013

MLP movie?What about?
I want to create mlp:fim movie story.So i can't decide.Is it with alternate worlds or with some chaos?Or just give me your ideas.I feel bad for not making any ROTG stuff.
I want to create mlp:fim movie story.So i can't decide.Is it with alternate worlds or with some chaos?Or just give me your ideas.I feel bad for not making any ROTG stuff.

They are making a movie.
[Link to trailer]
[Link to trailer]
on June 02, 2013

The movie can be about King Sombra returning and taking over both ponyville and the crystal empire!!!!!!!!!
on May 27, 2013
on May 28, 2013

emilija.baniulyte asked a question

What ROTG would you like? I'm in a mood to create a ROTG(Rise Of The Guardians)quiz or ...
on May 20, 2013

emilija.baniulyte added a new chapter to My little pony:new friendship

Chapter 2
*Sweethearts P.O.V.*
I came to Ponyville's square.I don't even know where Twilight live's.Princess mentioned some tree library thingy.I think it suposed to be a tree.I walk and search for it.Ah!I finally found it.I knock.A little dragon opens the door.
-Hi!I'm Spike.Who are you?-asks the dragon.
-I-im Sweetheart.Princess Celestia sent me to learn my lessons with Twilight Sparkle,-i said.
Twilight must of heard me.She came near the door.
-Hello Sweetheart.My name is Twilight Sparkle,but... Read Full Chapter
I came to Ponyville's square.I don't even know where Twilight live's.Princess mentioned some tree library thingy.I think it suposed to be a tree.I walk and search for it.Ah!I finally found it.I knock.A little dragon opens the door.
-Hi!I'm Spike.Who are you?-asks the dragon.
-I-im Sweetheart.Princess Celestia sent me to learn my lessons with Twilight Sparkle,-i said.
Twilight must of heard me.She came near the door.
-Hello Sweetheart.My name is Twilight Sparkle,but... Read Full Chapter
on May 05, 2013

emilija.baniulyte added a new chapter to My little pony:new friendship

Chapter 1
*Sweetheart's P.O.V.*
I'm walking to my school.It was a nice day outside in Canterlot.I saw to ponies fighting.I wanted to put a love spell on them,but......Celestia said that i still should wait till i get full control.So i did it the old fashion way.I walked near those to ponies.It was a little fillie and a little colt.
-Hello there,youngsters.You really shouldn't fight.It's bad for you,-i said.
-Why?Why it's bad for me?-the colt asked.
He got me on that.But i showed him how smart i ... Read Full Chapter
I'm walking to my school.It was a nice day outside in Canterlot.I saw to ponies fighting.I wanted to put a love spell on them,but......Celestia said that i still should wait till i get full control.So i did it the old fashion way.I walked near those to ponies.It was a little fillie and a little colt.
-Hello there,youngsters.You really shouldn't fight.It's bad for you,-i said.
-Why?Why it's bad for me?-the colt asked.
He got me on that.But i showed him how smart i ... Read Full Chapter
on May 03, 2013