It's Cancerous APATHY for a reason. Get it?

Example B:
on May 16, 2016

on May 16, 2016

Example A:
on May 16, 2016

Be thankful you weren't called cancerous cringe....
on May 16, 2016
on May 16, 2016

Hey you-.
If we ever get a new house we need to hangout again.
Because like I miss you, and you're fun-.
If we ever get a new house we need to hangout again.
Because like I miss you, and you're fun-.
on March 18, 2016

I think I'm okay now, if anyone saw my posts?? I slept a lot.
on March 10, 2016

I don't want to tell anyone I need help but I need help ya feel????
Hah end me
Hah end me
on March 10, 2016

Dang everyone is either leaving me, on their way out, or disappointed in my actions.
I guess I deserve it?? I mean. In July, I'm leaving everyone here anyways. Its not like I could stay if I wanted to anymore though.
I guess I deserve it?? I mean. In July, I'm leaving everyone here anyways. Its not like I could stay if I wanted to anymore though.
on March 10, 2016

Pep rally? Meh.. Not really in the mood, but what can you do, other than go with the flow?
on March 08, 2016

on February 24, 2016

on February 24, 2016

"I like pepperoni sasuage in my butthole"
on February 24, 2016

"I like pepperoni sausage in my butthole"
on February 24, 2016

cancerousapathy subscribed to page

Really Really Ridiculously Good Pick Up Lines
on February 23, 2016