Okay, so I'm slowly recovering but this is much more painful than I thought. It hurts to laugh or do anything, hope my incisions stay close and heal well though.

No, I'm home right now.
on April 04, 2016

Where are so staying right now? Hospital?
on April 04, 2016

Yep, can't do much bit I can walk quite a bit.
on April 04, 2016

Ha! Healthy nonetheless.
on April 04, 2016

Like a healthy crippled. XD
on April 04, 2016
on April 04, 2016

Hey you-.
If we ever get a new house we need to hangout again.
Because like I miss you, and you're fun-.
If we ever get a new house we need to hangout again.
Because like I miss you, and you're fun-.
on March 18, 2016

Are you back for good? You come on rarely now...
on March 11, 2016

Hmm.. I think I should take my bio off my roleplay account on Facebook and add it to this one.. Yea, more descriptive in a way.
My persona however, looks like me but different colors-.
No life.
My persona however, looks like me but different colors-.
No life.
on March 11, 2016

"I like pepperoni sasuage in my butthole"
on February 24, 2016

I need to update my bio, but the friend part will be hard.. Because I know people has changed their usernames and there is a possibility some people may not see me as a friend no more, I don't know I guess I'll wait till I have wi-fi to know better.
on February 13, 2016

Hi!! I missed you!!! I was Markimoo!! Do you remember me??

on February 09, 2016

I'm so glad I graduated high school, but I do kind of miss my old friends.. I wonder if they miss me, probably not..
on February 09, 2016
on February 09, 2016

It's been so long and I'm sure many people had changed their usernames, Welp.. Time for me to start my guessing game until I figure out who is who.
on February 09, 2016


on February 09, 2016
on January 26, 2016

Name: Lee Rock Akatuski
Age: 8
Disorder: Shizophrenia
Hobby: Drawing, singing, making stuffed animals
Family: Dante Wolfbane (Adopted Father), Zoe Wolfbane (Adopted Mother), Tasha Wolfbane (Adopted Sister)
Backstory: One day she was attacked and left for dead, everyone assumed she was until a strange male had picked her up and took her in. It was then that they found out Lee was still alive but she had lost her memories, she barely even remembered her name and she lost all thoughts See More of her true family. Dante has cherished Lee ever since and Tasha always got jealous over it, always hitting on her or even getting her in trouble for no reason. Often times when punished Lee was left in the basement, there awas when her schizophrenia set in and her ability to see ghosts showed up. When she would speak of the ghosts everyone thought she was crazy, until one day when the ghosts told her to kill her mother and she did. This had enraged Dante and Tasha had got what she wanted, Dante had then took lee to the Asylum and left her there until she was known better.
Extra: She can see ghosts and speak with them, she can even feel them and oftenly she ends up with bruises from them which is unknown to doctors
Age: 8
Disorder: Shizophrenia
Hobby: Drawing, singing, making stuffed animals
Family: Dante Wolfbane (Adopted Father), Zoe Wolfbane (Adopted Mother), Tasha Wolfbane (Adopted Sister)
Backstory: One day she was attacked and left for dead, everyone assumed she was until a strange male had picked her up and took her in. It was then that they found out Lee was still alive but she had lost her memories, she barely even remembered her name and she lost all thoughts See More of her true family. Dante has cherished Lee ever since and Tasha always got jealous over it, always hitting on her or even getting her in trouble for no reason. Often times when punished Lee was left in the basement, there awas when her schizophrenia set in and her ability to see ghosts showed up. When she would speak of the ghosts everyone thought she was crazy, until one day when the ghosts told her to kill her mother and she did. This had enraged Dante and Tasha had got what she wanted, Dante had then took lee to the Asylum and left her there until she was known better.
Extra: She can see ghosts and speak with them, she can even feel them and oftenly she ends up with bruises from them which is unknown to doctors
on May 19, 2015

Who's the character you keep posting about...? I'm a tad bit interested to know...
on April 18, 2015

I have a goal of wanting to keep it the same amout between followers and following... So I probably won't follow people much myself unless they follow me first because OCD-.
on April 07, 2015

Okay a warning to most people... Never, and I mean NEVER, get in a fight about the politics with me because it pisses me off SO f*cking bad you do not understand. I know what kind of sick and twisted world I live in an America is not what you think it is, this is no dream land and sure as in Hell will NOT call me an America! I am Italian at heart and Irish by action and I am not American until I take the citizinship test. No one is American UNLESS you take the citizinship test See More and pass and/or you are in the military, navy, etc... WE ARE NOTHING BUT PAWNS IN A FALLING NATION, I am not proud to be an America, I am just a girl lost and wanting free from where I was held... We all are Britsih mixed with other ethnicities, there is no such thing as Americans... That is just what we are called for being born here. When Columbia came here, he was British and so was everyone else on that ship... Unless you area Native American and I mean by the true Indian Native American, you are not American but a British mutt like me. Now if you excuse me from being a bitch, I will sit at my computer desk and try so hard of not wanting to punch the shit out of someone or a wall...
on April 06, 2015

I have officially thought to myself... I have very little friends and even though I have some.. I still feel so alone..
on March 27, 2015

5+ Likes & I'll confess my, A B C 's
A- Available:
B- Birthday:
C- Crushing On:
D- Drink you last had:
E- Easiest person to talk too:
F- Favorite song: See More
G- Grossest memory:
H- Hometown:
I- In love with:
J- Jealous of:
K- Killed someone:
L- Longest friendship:
M- Middle Name:
N- Number of siblings:
O- One wish:
P- Person who called you last:
Q- Question you're always asked:
R- Reason to smile:
S- Song you last sang:
T- Time you woke up:
U- Underwear color:
V- Violent moment you had:
W- Worst habit:
X- # of x-rays you had:
Y- Your last kiss:
Z- Zodiac sign:
A- Available:
B- Birthday:
C- Crushing On:
D- Drink you last had:
E- Easiest person to talk too:
F- Favorite song: See More
G- Grossest memory:
H- Hometown:
I- In love with:
J- Jealous of:
K- Killed someone:
L- Longest friendship:
M- Middle Name:
N- Number of siblings:
O- One wish:
P- Person who called you last:
Q- Question you're always asked:
R- Reason to smile:
S- Song you last sang:
T- Time you woke up:
U- Underwear color:
V- Violent moment you had:
W- Worst habit:
X- # of x-rays you had:
Y- Your last kiss:
Z- Zodiac sign:
on March 26, 2015

How can you people be so confident to take a picture?
I'm so camera shy--.
I'm so camera shy--.
on March 25, 2015

// Have an Italian accent, it makes more sense on who it is.~ //
// Have an Italian accent, it makes more sense on who it is.~ //
on March 24, 2015