breann.west.5 created a page
Pranksters United
on April 19, 2015
breann.west.5 asked a question
What is the most disgustingly funny thing you or a friend had ever done?
on April 16, 2015
My best friend Joaquin wears stuff on his nails so he doesent bite them and he just got braces. He usually gets up in the middle of math class and brushes his teeth. Once he forgot his toothbrush and tried to use his finger... You know the rest...
on April 16, 2015
breann.west.5 created a poll
Who's Crazier
on April 15, 2015
breann.west.5 created a poll
Which Chicken?
on April 15, 2015
breann.west.5 uploaded a photo
on April 15, 2015
breann.west.5 created a poll
Who's Best?
on April 15, 2015
I used to launch eggs in my slingshot and hit my neighbors. Sometimes I would shoot water balloons, loquats, chicken turds, sand filled socks, and dirty diapers. Once my three year old friend flushed a Jolly Rancher down the toilet. He also would flush diapers, and made the toilet overflow.
on April 14, 2015
breann.west.5 created a poll
Mr. Peabody and Sherman or Frozen?
on April 10, 2015
breann.west.5 created a poll
Sonata or Aria Blaze?
on April 07, 2015
breann.west.5 created a poll
Chickens vs Pandas
on April 07, 2015
created a
Are you Whistle, Lunardusk,Claws,Flash, PomPom, or Metamorphosis
on April 07, 2015
breann.west.5 asked a question
If hydrogen is flammable, and fire needs oxygen, why does H2o put out fire? Hydrogen an...
on April 07, 2015
created a
How well do you know TAWoG
on April 03, 2015
created a
Which member of TAWoG school facility are you?
on April 02, 2015
breann.west.5 uploaded a photo
on April 01, 2015