Which member of TAWoG school facility are you? Are you most like Mr Brown, Mrs. Simian, Coach, or Mr. Small? Take this quiz to find out. breann.west.5 published on April 02, 2015 Stacked 1/9 Are trees cool? Yes. No. OK... Fun to climb on. 2/9 Do you like fluffy stuff? YES!!!!! No. 3/9 What is your worst fear? Losing my hairy boyfriend. Dark, enclosed spaces... * shudders* Losing my Jamie. Somebody finding out my secrets. 4/9 Do you have a crush? What's that. Yes. 5/9 Who is your favorite character from The Curse of the Dragon's Eggs? Whistle Trill Lunardusk Wisp Claws and Flash Metamorphosis Cocoonella 6/9 Are you crazy? Crazy as in psycho because yeah. You mean hippie? No, I'm hairy. I'm lazy. 7/9 Do you approve of Zach? No. He's a jerk. Yes, he's cool. My head.... *..... 8/9 What is 1+1-1-0+5= I failed math. Uh. PURPLE! Six. - five 9/9 Do you like Sussie? She's a hairless idiotic freak. No. Her mayonnaise slipped me... Ow. Never met her. Yea, she's dumb but I like her.