breann.west.5's Starred Polls
breann.west.5 has 178 starred polls
Is Oni an onion?

Would you rather go to London or Paris?
Which smol bean is more precious?

Which speedo is better? @Yootou
Which of the following fandoms do you like the most?
Who is your favorite mario princess? :)

Which Christmas tree character is your favourite?
Which is better at warming people up, Stoves or Arson?

Do you like bunnies?

Which candy is your favorite?

Whos the best Link?

On a scale of one to ten how salty are you?
How do YOU pronounce?: Either

Donald Trump or Donald Duck?

Who Would Win in a Fight Link or Ganon?

Day or Night? (2)

What's your favorite horse coat color?

ice cream! :O