breann.west.5's Starred Polls - Page 2
breann.west.5 has 178 starred polls

Which Zelda?

Are tits and nipples the same thing

Left or Right Twix?

What Came First, The Chicken Or The Egg?

Are ants hot?

Which do you guys prefer, the original Ocarina of Time for the Nintendo 64 or the remak...

Ramen noodles or soup

Silver Or Gold ?

waffles or pancakes? (1)

who would win?.
Zelda sheik or both

Favorite video game?~

Canada Day?

Panda vs koala ! Bear bro.s !

When do you feel comfortable or relaxed?

Crispy or Chewy Bacon?

Which shoes type do you prefer?

Who cried while watching 'BTS Prologue'?