What is the most disgustingly funny thing you or a friend had ever done?
Answers (5)
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One time me and @The_Weird_Fangirl_Of_DeathNote (aka my sister) were dancing together and I ended up twerking while she was doing some kind of breakdance. XD
on April 16, 2015
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Yeah... I'm not going to say (if you think it's something dirty, your most likely wrong...)
on April 16, 2015
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A long time ago when I was at my grandma and grandpas house with my cousins and me and my cousins were in the backyard and my grandma and grandpa had a dog at the time and I stepped in dog poop and I was bare footed and my dad had to clean my foot off
on April 08, 2019
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Me an my friend saying fandom thing aloud while everyone was like O_O waffles?
on June 16, 2016