animelover264 - Page 2

Hi! I'm Animelover264! I am 19 years old and a huge fangirl on anime boys! They are cool and cute. I prefer the tsundere types if you know what I mean. You know like the cool and not See More▼
created a poll
Glitter Force Edition: Cure Sunny vs Cure March
on March 08, 2016
created a poll
Glitter Force Edition: Cure Happy vs Cure Beauty
on March 08, 2016
Can someone tell me that the picture in the bottom is from an anime because I feel it is. But plz let me know
on February 27, 2016
created a personality quiz
What is Your Elemental Power?
This quiz is consists of different magic. It's different than any other quiz. This quiz will show your true potential. You will inherit power like never before. So come and find what magic is hidden inside of you. Very Accurate...
207 responses 31
on February 15, 2016
New chapter Everybody of Tough Love! 1 Mess up and 1 asking Out
on February 06, 2016
1 Mess Up and 1 Asking Out
1 Mess Up and 1 Asking Out
The next day, Sakura completely ignored Daichi and Kasumi.

"Hey!" said Kasumi
Sakura just left. Then Kasumi just followed her.
"Sakura. Whatever you saw its not true okay. It was that little boy's fault. He made us trip. You know that." said Kasumi
"Yeah...right?" said Sakura
"Stop Sakura! You know I don't like Daichi and you know I was the one that brought you guys together. So why would I just
get back at him." said Kasumi blocking her way
"I don't know because you're je~" said Sakura cut ...
on February 05, 2016
created a personality quiz
What Aikatsu Brand Fits You?
Aikatsu is a dancing and fashion video game and anime. It is based on dancing, singing, and much more. So far there are three seasons. Check it out. This quiz expresses what type of fashion you are in Aikatsu.
106 responses 3
on January 26, 2016
on January 18, 2016
created a page
Aikatsu Cards/Coordinations
IF you like aikatsu then come subscribe to this page. Different combinations it varies.
0 subscribers 1 member fully opened
on January 18, 2016
created a personality quiz
Which Of The Fashion Elements Are You In Pretty Rhythm?
This quiz is about which of the 7 elements of fashion you are from the anime show Pretty Rhythm.
23 responses 5
on January 18, 2016
uploaded a photo
animelover264's Photo 0
on January 08, 2016
uploaded a photo
animelover264's Photo 0
on January 08, 2016
Accidental Surprise
Accidental Surprise
Today, you won't believe it but it's Daichi's Birthday! The thing is Daichi feels its like any other day. Today, he's just acting laid back and not caring since Kaito has been bothering him about it.

"Hey! Dude I heard its your birthday so....." said Kaito
"Leave me alone. I don't want anything from you." said Daich
"Oh stop acting like that. Look I got you glasses." said Kaito
"Why? I'm not blind." said Daichi
"Oh silly. I got us both pairs to match. See" said Kaito

Then Daichi took the gl...
on January 07, 2016
Uh, Are they dating?
Uh, Are they dating?
The next day, it was school so the weekend was over. Bummer. Everyone went to their classes. They were a lot of chattering. As Kasumi walked down the hall, people kept staring at her and giggling. She didn't know what was going on. Then she entered her classroom and behind her was Daichi.

"You going in?" said Daichi
"...Yeah..." said Kasumi
They both entered. As Kasumi went to her seat, she saw Daichi going to his and felt different. Anyway, a bunch of girls came to Kasumi
and started questi...
on December 05, 2015
The Spring Festival
The Spring Festival
The weekends started to day and so did the spring festival. Kasumi just did her usual thing. Read. Until, someone called her.

"Hm. Who might it be?" said Kasumi
She checked her phone and it was Kaito!
"KAITO!" said Kasumi
She picked up her phone.
"Hey! What do you want?!"said Kasumi
"Hey! That's not a nice way of saying hello?" said Kaito teasingly
"Like I would say hello to the likes of you." said Kasumi
"Why wouldn't you?" said Kaito
"Uh.....because I don't know you." said Kasumi
on October 06, 2015
Stuffs about me: I'm female
I love anime boys
I love making quizzes
on September 28, 2015
created a personality quiz
What is your Fairy Tail life? (Boys Only)
This quiz is the boy version of fairy tail life. I made one for girls just go to my profile.
329 responses 5
on September 28, 2015
Please do all my quizzes, read my story, subscribe to my pages etc
on September 27, 2015
created a personality quiz
What is Your MLP Life? (Girls Only)
Thiis is for those brony fans out there. Sorry boys but dont worry I will make one as soon as possible. Note; no of the ponies have cutie mark because they are my ocs.
61 responses 11
on September 26, 2015