1 Mess Up and 1 Asking Out

"Hey!" said Kasumi
Sakura just left. Then Kasumi just followed her.
"Sakura. Whatever you saw its not true okay. It was that little boy's fault. He made us trip. You know that." said Kasumi
"Yeah...right?" said Sakura
"Stop Sakura! You know I don't like Daichi and you know I was the one that brought you guys together. So why would I just
get back at him." said Kasumi blocking her way
"I don't know because you're je~" said Sakura cut off
"Don't even say it. I don't have feelings for him. We have been rivals our whole life. There's no way I would go out with him. He's ugly and not my type." said Kasumi
Then Sakura had a irritated look on her face and just left Kasumi standing there. Kasumi just saw her leaving.
Kasumi started walking home and was worried about Sakura. Then someone came yelling and running.
Kasumi turned and saw Kaito.
"Ugh...great." thought Kasumi
Kasumi just continued walking.
"Hey!" said Kaito
"What?" said Kasumi
"Why did you leave me like that?" said Kaito
"Because I don't care about you." said Kasumi
"Ouch! That hurt. But I forgive you." said Kaito
"Whatever." said Kasumi
"What's wrong?" said Kaito
"Nothing." said Kasumi
"Don't lie. I don't want our relationship to start like this." said Kaito joking
"Okay okay..." said Kaito
"Calm down. Joking." said Kaito
"Well I don't care." said Kasumi
"You know Kasumi..." said Kaito
"What now?" said Kasumi
"I thought you were the type that was calm and gentle." said Kaito
"Yeah so?" said Kasumi
"Well now you're stubborn and mad all the time." said Kaito
"Well not everybody's perfect. People had some flaws." said Kasumi
"Yeah. But I always thought you would perfect." said Kaito grinning
"Huh?" said Kasumi staring
"Yeah. You would be nice and like a princess." said Kaito
"Really?" said Kasumi
"Yes. And that's how I fell for you." said Kaito smiling
"You really think I'm like a princess." said Kasumi smiling
"Mhhm." said Kaito
"Thanks." said Kasumi
"No problem." said Kaito opening his arms out
"Don't go that far." said Kasumi
Kasumi and Kaito just walked together back.
The next day, Kaito was talking to Daichi about Kasumi.
"Hey man. I know you're dealing with the break up but." said Kaito
"How did you know?" said Daichi
"Cause Kasumi told me." said Kaito
"Why?" said Daichi
"Well ever since the break up she has been opening up to me. She's actually really cool." said Kaito
'Mhmmm........" said Daichi
"Anyway, I've been thinking asking her out?" said Kaito
"But she doesn't like you and she always yells at you." said Daichi
"Yeah. All this time I was just joking with her. But now I'm serious." said Kaito seriously
Daichi just looked at his expression for a second and noticed he was serious.
"Well if you really like her. You should ask her out." said Daichi
"Really." said Kaito
"Yeah. I mean I don't really care." said Daichi
"Thanks man." said Kaito
After-school ended,
"Hey, Kasumi!" said Kaito
"Yes?" said Kasumi
"Umm.............I wanted to ask you something?" said Kaito
"What?" said Kasumi
"Will you go out with me?" said Kaito with a serious expression
"W~what?" said Kasumi with widened eyes
"Will you go out with me?' said Kaito
"Please is this another way You know I don't feel that way?" said Kasumi
"So that's a no." said Kaito
"Uh......" said Kasumi
"Kasumi will you please go out with me. I love you." said Kaito
"Wait. You really like me." said Kasumi
"Would I be lying if I said yes.?" said Kaito
Kasumi didn't say anything but just looked down. Then Daichi came.
"Hey what's going on?" said Daichi
"Daichi." said Kaito
"Daichi!' said Kasumi
"Yeah." said Daichi
"Hey man. What are you still doing here?" said Kaito
"Well I should be asking the same question. But, I was taking care of some stuff in the student council room." said Daichi (he actually was with Sakura)
"And you two?' said Daichi
"Well you know I am asking Kasumi out." said Kaito
"Hmm..." said Daichi looking at Kasumi
"What?" said Kasumi blushing
"Well are you gonna tell him." said Daichi
"That's none of your business." said Kasumi
"Huh?" said Daichi
"What!" said Kasumi
"You're wearing lip gloss." said Daichi
Kasumi was surprised that he noticed because not everyone said anything about it. In defense, it was kind of pale and not noticeable. Also no one pays attention to her.
"Hey. You're right!" said Kaito
"I couldn't even notice it." said Kaito
"Yeah. So?' said Kasumi
"Wow! KASUMI YOU LOOK EVEN MORE CUTE!" said Kaito acting like a play-boy (even though he is)
"Shut it! Will you?"said Kasumi blushing harder
"Now it makes me fall for you even more!" said Kaito
"Whatever." said Kasumi
Daichi looked at the two of them together.
"Well Kasumi?" said Kaito
"I..............." said Kasumi
Daichi looked at her.
"I don't know. Should I? I wanted to fix stuffs with Sakura." thought Kasumi
"I need to think about it." said Kasumi finally
"What? But.." said Kaito
Daichi was surprised.
"I'm sorry but I don't have the time for this. I just don't know. Sorry" said Kasumi
"*sighs* Well. Don't worry I'll be waiting." said Kaito in a mannerly way
"Thanks." said Kasumi smiling
Meanwhile before Kaito asked Kasumi out. Daichi went to look for Sakura on the roof.
"Sakura!" said Daichi
Sakura stood there.
"Sakura! Do you seriously want to break up?" said Daichi
"No. I want us to take a little break I said." said Sakura
"Why? It doesn't make any difference." said Daichi
"Well. To me it does" said Sakura
"Are you seriously mad about what happened?" said Daichi
"No." said Sakura madly
"Kasumi and I are not ever gonna be together." said Daichi
"How do you know?!" said Sakura
'Because.........." said Daichi
"Huh?" said Sakura
"Let me show you something." said Daichi taking her downstairs
"Look." said Daichi pointing to a window of where Kaito was going to ask Kausmi out
"What!" said Sakura
"You see." said Daichi
"But what if she says no." said Sakura
"Well then she must have a reason. You can't push Kasumi or make someone go out with someone. Right?" said Daichi leaving
At Midnight, everyone was at home. Kasumi was in a huge drama situation. Kaito tried to text Kasumi. Sakura kept crying. Daichi just layed on his bed. Everyone
was in a tight spot.
That's the end of chapter 15. Keep reading!
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