animelover264 - Page 4

Hi! I'm Animelover264! I am 19 years old and a huge fangirl on anime boys! They are cool and cute. I prefer the tsundere types if you know what I mean. You know like the cool and not See More▼
created a poll
Fairy Tail Poll: Kimono Edition
16 votes 1
on August 06, 2015
Please do my recent quizzes and read my story "A Tough Love."
on August 05, 2015
created a personality quiz
What is your anime life? (Boyz Only)
This quiz is for boys who wanna know their life in the anime world. These boys will be the crush/bf for the other anime life i made for girls.
149 responses 7
on August 05, 2015
created a personality quiz
What is your anime life? (Girlz Only)
This quiz is for girls to find their new life in the anime world. Enjoy Please comment! Also note crushes/bf will be found out when I make anime life boys only ok!
183 responses 26
on August 04, 2015
Good Girl Gone Bad
Good Girl Gone Bad
Today is Saturday. The day where you can actually take a break from all the school stuff and sleep in etc. The Saturday morning was beautiful and peaceful of bird chirps and the wind dancing. No mom screaming for breakfast or alarm clocks.

"Mm....................." said Kasumi stretching her arms
She got up and went to freshen and wore her usual clothes. Kasumi walked downstairs for breakfast.

"What's the Saturday special." said Kasumi
on July 26, 2015
on July 25, 2015
uploaded a photo at AnimeLovers
AnimeLovers's Photo 5
on July 24, 2015
created a poll
Which PowerPuff Girls Z and RowdyRuff Boys Couple Would You Ship?
on July 21, 2015
created a personality quiz
Who is your anime girlfriend 2.0?
This is a chance for boys to express what they want in a girl and the result. Have fun boys.
187 responses 8
on July 20, 2015
created a personality quiz
who is your anime girlfriend?
This quiz is about getting the perfect girl, guys. YOUR perfect girl.So have fun.
108 responses 4
on July 19, 2015
created a personality quiz
What is your Anime crush/boyfriend?
Take this quiz to find out your special guy. He may not be real but he's in your mind/heart and you have a visual of your perfect guy. This is kind of a sequel of my other anime boyfriend quiz. Check it out before taking this one.
109 responses 7
on July 19, 2015
Friendship Day!
Friendship Day!
The next morning, everyone in school were all in a hustle because of friendship day. Everyone was giving each other bracelet and everything.
"Hey Sakura. Happy Friendships Day." said Daichi
"Um.....Thanks." said Sakura
"Ooh what's going starting your love in school I see." said Kasumi
"Stop it Kasumi its not.........." said Daichi
"Please I know love when I see it." said Kasumi
"Yeah sure......" murmured Daichi
"Excuse me!" said Kasumi
"What!" yelled Daichi
"Did you say something." said Kasum...
on June 06, 2015
below me is the princesses as a sailor scout charcter
on April 25, 2015
uploaded a photo
animelover264's Photo 0
on April 25, 2015
uploaded a photo
animelover264's Photo 0
on April 25, 2015
The picture below me is the official sailor scouts as princesses of their planet dress!
on April 25, 2015
uploaded a photo at AnimeLovers
AnimeLovers's Photo 2
on April 25, 2015
nice pictures LanaTheWolf
on April 25, 2015
created a poll
on April 18, 2015
Name: Sachi
Age: 16
Race: Human
Likes: Cute Things
Dislikes: Bullies
Looks: Picture See More▼
on April 15, 2015