Friendship Day!

"Hey Sakura. Happy Friendships Day." said Daichi
"Um.....Thanks." said Sakura
"Ooh what's going starting your love in school I see." said Kasumi
"Stop it Kasumi its not.........." said Daichi
"Please I know love when I see it." said Kasumi
"Yeah sure......" murmured Daichi
"Excuse me!" said Kasumi
"What!" yelled Daichi
"Did you say something." said Kasumi
They both started quarreling.
"Guys please, stop fighting." said Sakura
"Yeah you're right. Its friendship day. Sorry and happy friendships day. Bye" said Kasumi
"Bye." said Sakura
Then Kasumi started to walk into the classroom.
"Uh so what do you want to do today after school you know since its friendships day." asked Daichi
"Well since its Friendship days I was can go to the mall." said Sakura
"Ok sounds like fun." Daichi interrupted
"Wait..............." said Sakura
"Yes." said Daichi stopping and turned
"Um...........if you dont mind i was thinking we could bring Kasumi." said Sakura
"WHAT!" Daichi bursted
"No no." said Daichi
"Why not she's always been there for me and she did bring us together." said Sakura
Daichi just thought for a second and knew Sakura was right.
Finally he said "Ok we can bring her."
"Yay Daichi your the best." said Sakura happily
They both walked to class for the big news.
"Hey Kasumi." said Sakura
"Hi." said Kasumi
Then the teacher came and class started.
"Ok class please take your seats and open textbook page 35." said the teacher
"Um......sorry maybe later." said Kasumi
Then Sakura and Daichi went to their seats.
"bell rings" class ended
Kasumi went out the door and stopped when Sakura called.
"Yes Sakura I have to go to my next class." said Kasumi
"Umm.............. sorry...................but if you.................dont mind." said Sakura hesistating
"Hurry up Sakura I got to go." said Kasumi
"Hey don't talk to my girlfriend like that." said Daichi
"Girlfriend huh?" said Kasumi
" know what I mean." said Daichi
"Yeah whatever bye i have to go." said Kasumi
Kasumi left and the two were just staring at her.
"What's with her." thought Daichi
"Um...........I think I made her mad." said Sakura
"No no." said Daichi
Everyone ran out the door. Everyone except Kasumi who was still in the library.
"Miss please hurry up we have to leave." said the librarian
"In a few minutes okay." said Kasumi smiling
"Ok fine." said the nice librarian
Then Daichi walked past the library and noticed Kasumi by herself.
He walked in and saw she was sitting and reading a book. She looked so serious. And then he realized she looked tired and instantly fell asleep.
He walked a little closer the librarian didnt care. Kasumi slept like a baby.
".............She looks so...................cute." said Daichi blushing
Then Kasumi woke up and Daichi just turned.
"mmm.........Daichi what are you doing here." said Kasumi rubbing her eyes.
"I can ask the same question." said Daich
"Well I asked FIRST."said Kasumi
"Whatever baby." said Daichi
"What did you call me.?" yelled Kasumi
"SSHH." said the librarian
"Sorry." said Kasumi whispering
"Ok now spill." said Kasumi
"Well i was on my wait out and then i noticed you sleeping." said Daich
"Oh so why are you wasting your time here. Go join the fun and go with Sakura." said Kasumi
" I was and now you answer why your here." said Daichi
"chuckles" " doesn't matter." said Kasumi
"Kasumi...............what's going on." said Daichi
"Nothing." said Kasumi confidently
"Ok anyway me and Sakura are going to the mall so we were thinking if you wanna come." said Daichi
"No its ok I leave you two to go." said Kasumi
"Besides you finally are together and I dont want to get involved." said Kasumi
" Thanks...................Kasumi............really" said Daichi
Kasumi just smiled and Daichi blushed.
"Hey Daichi whats wrong your deep red." said Kasumi
"Huh" said Daichi embarrassed
"OMG DID YOU GET A FEVER I WILL GO CALL THE NURSE." yelled Kasumi almost running to the nurse.
"SSH. PLZ."said the librarian
Daich just grabbed her close to him. They stared at each other for a minutes.
"Kasumi...............stop." said Daichi
She didn't say anything to him but just stared. Then Daichi let her go.
"Umm sorry i didn't meant to you know..............." said Daichi blushing and laughing.
"Are you stupid or something I am not sick." said Daichi
Their faces were deep red. But one thing they didn't know is that Sakura was outside and seeing all this and planning to get revenge.
Thanks for reading chapter 8. Keep reading "A Tough Love."
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