Uh, Are they dating?

"You going in?" said Daichi
"...Yeah..." said Kasumi
They both entered. As Kasumi went to her seat, she saw Daichi going to his and felt different. Anyway, a bunch of girls came to Kasumi
and started questioning her.
"Hey, is it true that you're dating Kaito?" said Lily
"WHAT!" said Kasumi
"Come on don't play dumb. Tell us" said Kiki
"What are you talking about? I don't...like him and I'm not dating him." said Kasumi
As the girls and Kasumi were talking, the boys started talking about what was going on.
"Hey Daichi you hear?" said Roger
"What?" said Daichi pulling out his stuff for class
"Kasumi and Kaito are dating?" said Roger
Then, he stopped for a moment.
"What." said Daichi
"Yeah you heard me. The girls are talking about and its on the school blog." said Roger
"Let me see that." said Daichi snatching his phone
"Hey ask first." said Roger
Daichi scrolled and read the blog and was confused. And realized it was from the festival.
"Here you go man. I got to go." said Daichi
"Wait what happened dude." said Roger
Daichi got up from his seat, staretd walking out passing Kasumi and went out of the classroom. As soon as he went out, Kaito made his entrance with a bunch of girls.
"Hey Daichi! My man"What's up" said Kaito
"Yeah sup!" said Daichi and started to go back.
"Yo what happened." said Roger
"Nothing." said Daichi
"So Kaito is it true you're dating Kasumi." said Kiki
"Huh?" said Kaito
"See." said Lily
"Oh that!" said Kaito
"So...?" said Lily
"Um....why don't you ask my lovely friend/ gf that?" said Kaito
"So it is true!" said Kiki
"Uh Uh" said Kaito
"Ask her." said Kaito
Everyone then looked at Kasumi.
"I....I...."said Kasumi
She froze.
"I...." said Kasumi
Then someone stopped her and started laughing.
"It's fine she is too shy to say anything." said Kaito
"Come on lets sit down. My legs are hurting from standing all day." said Kaito
Then everyone went to their seats and Kasumi just was confused.
"Ok class settle down." said the teacher
After class,
Kasumi decided to go to the school library. Everyone else went to lunch. She went in and saw that no one was there.
"Helllo. Hello" said Kasumi
"Uh, I'm just here to read. And umm you know..." said Kasumi
She thought the librarian probably went to eat lunch. She went in and checked in. As she did, she noticed a bulleting board with latest news. Then she saw the rumor everyone was talking about. It mentioned them being in the Spring Festival. She looked closely at it.
"Hmm..............how did they know we were there?" said Kasumi
"Who told them this?" said Kasumi
"I'm guessing it was Kaito! That's why he made me an embarrassment. Okay Kaito your game is over. I'm not gonna be a baby anymore but I'll show what I'm really made of
or my name is Kasumi Haruno." said Kasumi
After that, she staretd to check out some books with the newsletter in her hand. She needed a book which was too high for her to reach and she used a ladder but it was still too high.
"If I could just reach a lttle more....little more." said Kasumi
"What are you doing?" said Daichi
"Daichi! Woah Woah!" said Kasumi
She lost her balance and fell on Daichi luckily Daichi caught her.
"Ow! Man your heavy" said Daichi
"Huh?" said Kasumi opening her eyes and realizing she was in his arms.
"Hey let me down!" said Kasumi
"Okay." said Daichi
Then Kasumi fell on the ground.
"Ouch!" said Kasumi
"Hey you told me." said Daichi
"Whatever." said Kasumi
"So um what were you doing." said Daichi
"Well, I was getting a book but I couldn't reach it." said Kasumi
"Oh this." said Daichi handing it to her
"Yeah Thanks." said Kasumi
Kasumi went back to the reading tables in the library and started reading. Daichi followed her.
"So....what are you doing here?" said Daichi on his phone
"Reading." said Kasumi
"Wow you read a lot!" said Daichi come closer to Kasumi's side face
"Yeah I like reading a lot! Woah too close!" said Kasumi turning red and moving away.
"Oh what's wrong Miss Boss of the School?" said Daichi
"Mm. nothing." said Kasumi turning away
"Hmm." smirked Daichi
"Anyway, what are YOU doing here? said Kasumi
"You know walking around." said Daichi
"Didn't you go to lunch?" said Kasumi
"Wasn't hungry." said Daichi
"Um...okay. Well I should be going now so yeah." said Kasumi walking towards the door
Then Daichi saw a paper in her hand and grabbed it from her.
"Hmm so.....this is why you're here." said Daichi
"Hey give me that paper!" said Kasumi
"Here." said Daichi
Kasumi just snatched it. Then Daichi started walking out. Kasumi was so irritated and started to walk out too.
"Hey Kasumi!" said Kaito
Kasumi turned.
"Hey Girlfriend what's up!" said Kaito
"Leave me alone." said Kasumi
"Come on." said Kaito
As they both walked away, Daichi was watching this from the opposite direction. Kaito gave Daichi a silly face and smirk.
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