The Spring Festival

"Hm. Who might it be?" said Kasumi
She checked her phone and it was Kaito!
"KAITO!" said Kasumi
She picked up her phone.
"Hey! What do you want?!"said Kasumi
"Hey! That's not a nice way of saying hello?" said Kaito teasingly
"Like I would say hello to the likes of you." said Kasumi
"Why wouldn't you?" said Kaito
"Uh.....because I don't know you." said Kasumi
"But I know you." said Kaito
"Wow! You ask that question now?" said Kaito
"Shut up!" said Kasumi
"I got it from Sakura! She's nice to me unlike someone." said Kaito
"What's that supposed to mean and jokes on you she already has a boyfriend." said Kasumi
"Yeah. I know." said Kaito
"Okay. Why did you call me anyway?!" said Kasumi
"Oh nothing. Just wanted to chat." said Kaito
"Well we're done chatting. So bye bye." said Kasumi
"But~" said Kaito
Then, Kasumi hung up until someone else called her.
"Sakura!" said Kasumi
"Uh....what does she want?" thought Kasumi
"Hello?" said Kasumi
"Oh hey Kasumi!" said Sakura
"Hey." said Kasumi
"So uh I was wondering you wanna hang out in the Spring Festival?!" said Sakura
"Oh is that today?" said Kasumi
"YES!" shouted Sakura
"Sorry was paying attention to the calender." said Kasumi
"Anyway wanna come. Me and Daichi are going." said Sakura
"Mmmm......" said Kasumi
"Come on Kasumi!" said Sakura
"Okay!" said Kasumi
"Oh btw I was wondering if we can bring Kaito too." said Sakura
"Why?" questioned Kasumi
"Well he's new so we can show him around." said Sakura
"I'm not sure. Maybe he'll have his own crowd of people taking him." said Kasumi
"Oh no he won't." said Sakura
"What do you mean?" said Kasumi
"Because ummm...............I already asked him and he agreed." said Sakura
"YOU DID WHAT! SAKURA!"shouted Kasumi
"Come on Kasumi! Don't be so naive." said Sakura
"I'm not. I'm just saying you didn't tell me this." said Kasumi
"Didn't Kaito call you?" said Sakura
"Yeah but he didn't say anything about this." said Kasumi
"Well maybe he didn't finish talking. Anyway you agreed so we're going." said Sakura
"But..." said Kasumi
"No buts." said Sakura
"Okay......................" said Kasumi
"Good. Call you later bye!" said Sakura
"Bye." said Kasumi sadly
Then Kasumi thought about the spring festival and what she is gonna wear. Kimono or just regular clothes.
It was almost time for the spring festival to begin. Sakura, Daichi, and Kaito were on their way to Kasumi's house They ringed her bell.
"Hello Kasumi!" said Daichi
"Coming." said Kasumi
She opened the door and both of the boys were stunned.
"Hey! What's wrong?" said Kasumi
"Is there something wrong with my hair." said Kasumi
"Wow! Kasumi you look amazing!" said Kaito
"Thanks...." blushed Kasumi
Daichi just kept looking at her. Kasumi faces towards Daichi.
"Hey you okay?" said Kasumi
"Yeah. We should be going." said Daichi
Sakura and Kaito looked at both at them. Then she grabbed Daichi and started to walk.
"Okay let's go! Come on guys." said Sakura
"Sakura slow down." said Daichi
Kaito just started laughing.
"What's with you?"said Kasumi
"Oh nothing. Come on or we will be left behind." said Kaito
"Yeah." said Kasumi
They all started to go to the festival.
Kasumi wore a light blue silky kimono with pink cherry blossoms and put her hair down and a purple bow on the back of her hair. Go to ( Look through until you find a picture that says 1920X1200 anime .........). While Sakura wore a yellow kimono with some kind of design and her bangs pulled back. Go to (The picture with the brown haired girl and yellow kimono that's how Sakura has done. But Sakura has blonde hair.). Daichi just wore shirt and pants. Go to down until you see a brown hair boy). That's how his SHIRT looks. Kaito wore a boy kimono. Go to (Scroll only twice until u see a group of boys in a festival wearing a kimono. The one with blue hair on the left is what kaito is wearing.)
When they got there, there were so many lights and people (mostly couples).
"Wow!" said Kaito
"I know right?" said Sakura
"So what should we do first? Eat or play games." said Kaito
"What do you wanna do honey?" said Sakura
"I don't know. Whatever you want?" said Daichi
"Okay! Then let's play the fish catching game first." said Sakura
"Okay!" said Kaito
"Sure why not?" said Kasumi
"I guess we're going fishing." said Daichi
"Yay!" said Sakura
They all started to walked to the fishing booth.
"Mister, we would like to play?" said Daichi
"How many?" said the fishing man
"Uh....4!" said Daichi
"Here you go?" said the fishing man
They all took their nets and started to fish. It was hard.
"Uh oh! My net broke!" said Sakura
"That's okay you can use mine." said Daichi
"Really? Thank you." said Sakura
"Your welcome." said Daichi
Kasumi looked at them and how a great couple they were and smiled.
"Hey what's wrong with you?" said Kaito
"Huh?" said Kasumi
"Spaced out or something?" said Kaito
"Yeah. Sorry." said Kasumi
"Hey!" said Kaito
"What?" said Kasumi
"You caught two fish with one net" said Kaito
"Yeah so?" said Kasumi
"Well that's pretty cool. I suck at this?" said Kaito
"Really its pretty easy if you concentrate." said Kasumi
"I can't do it." said Kaito
"Uh okay." said Kasumi
"Can you help me?" said Kaito
"Sure." said Kasumi weirdly
Kasumi started explaining to Kaito how to catch fish.
"Okay do you get it?" said Kasumi
"Yeah!" said Kaito
Then, Kaito put the net in the water and caught a fish!
"Hey I got it!" said Kaito
"Good job!" said Kasumi
"Thanks Kasumi!" said Kaito
Then he reached in hugged Kasumi. Mostly everyone saw them hugging.
"Uh Kaito can you get off me!?" said Kasumi
"Why?" said Kaito
"Get OFF!"yelled Kasumi
Then, Kaito got off and everyone looked at them. Kasumi just ran out of the crowd.
"Kasumi!" said Kaito
"Kasumi!" said Daichi
"Kasumi." said Sakura
Everyone were whispering. The three of them looked at each other. Daichi then went to look for her.
"Daichi!" said Sakura
Kaito just looked at him running and felt guilty.
Daichi ran through some people when he sees Kasumi on a bench holding all by her self (the part of the festival she is in is more quiet). He started to walk towards her then a hand was on his shoulder. He turned and it was Kaito.
"Hey man can you let me handle this." said Kaito
"Yeah. Go get'em tiger." said Daichi
"Thanks man." said Kaito
Then Kaito walked towards Kasumi and Daichi just looked at both of them. He then started to walk back and ran into Sakura breathing hardly.
"Huhhhh..................Daichi...............where............were?" said Sakura panting
"Sakura. I'm sorry I left you." said Daichi
"It's fine. Don't do that again." said Sakura
"Yeah." said Daichi
"Hey wait! There's Kasumi and Kaito! Let's go get them! Kasumi! Kaito!" said Sakura
"No sakura let's go. They have things they have to talk about." said Daichi
"Okay! Then let's hear what they're saying." said Sakura
"No! Let's just leave them alone. Come on." said Daichi
Daichi just started to walk away.
"Wait up!" said Sakura
They both left.
"Kasumi." said Kaito
Kasumi didn't say anything.
"Come on Kasumi stop acting like a baby!" said Kaito
"I'm not!" said Kasumi
"Yes you are." said Kaito
"Can you just go! Leave me alone." said Kasumi
"Why?" said Kaito
"Cause I said so!" said Kasumi
"Fine." said Kaito
Then he started to walked toward the candy apple booth.
"You done being alone?" said Kaito
She didn't say anything and then her stomach started rumbling. She blushed.
"Kasumi you hungry?" said Kaito laughingly
"No." said Kasumi
"*sighs* Here you go?" said Kaito
He handed her the apple. She didn't take it.
"Come on don't let your starvation get involved in this. I didn't bite it." said Kaito
She then grabbed it from him.
"Why are you giving this to me?" said Kasumi
"You're hungry right?" said Kaito
"Yeah." said Kasumi
"Exactly. And beside I can't let my girlfriend starve?" said Kaito
"WAIT! WHAT!?"said Kasumi
"Girlfriend?. You're a girl and my friend right?"said Kaito
"Oh! yeah yeah you meant that that! Right!" said Kasumi
"Thanks." said Kasumi
"No prob." said Kaito
They both were silent for a second.
"Hey Kaito?" said Kasumi
"Yeah." said Kaito
"I have a question." said Kasumi
"Yeah." said Kaito
"Ummmm. this might sound weird but uh................" said Kasumi
"Yeah yeah!" said Kaito
"Uh why are you so excited?" said Kasumi
"Oh nothing! Go ahead."said Kaito
"Well your always there for me whenever I'm in trouble even though you're the one that starts it so yeah. But how do always know when I need help?" said Kasumi
"Kasumi. I don't know but I have this kind of sign when I know you're in trouble. Maybe its just me." said Kaito
"Okay..............." said Kasumi
"Kasumi right now I can't explain but later you'll know." said Kaito
Kasumi just nodded and looked at her apple.
" So are you gonna eat that?" said Kaito
"Yes why?" said Kasumi
"Oh okay. Nothing just continue." said Kaito
Then Kasumi started eating her apple. When she was done, they both started looking for the others. They all met up and started to go home.
"Tonight" said Sakura falling asleep.
Then Sakura fell asleep and Daichi just carried her on his back.
"Yeah it was!" said Kaito
Kasumi and Daichi didn't say anything. Then....................
"Guys I'm sorry I ran out on you." said Kasumi
"It's okay." said Daichi
"Yeah. It's not the first." said Kaito
Kasumi just stepped on his foot.
"Oww!" said Kaito
"I'm just saying I don't why I'm such a baby. I have to control myself." said Kasumi
Daichi just smiled and they all walked back.
Thanks for reading "A tough Love" Keep reading. More chapters will be made.
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