you have received a free hug! Give the hug to the people you admire.
- started by Rainbow_Dashy <3
- started by Rainbow_Dashy <3
on June 13, 2014

ToturerKasiyeMarie asked a question
Me and my best friend are into different things. It sometimes gets in the way. What sho...
on February 17, 2014

This thursday as they joined married couple Howard and Bernadette on a romantic Valentine's Day train getaway on Thursday night's episode, Sheldon, played by Jim Parsons, and Amy, played by Mayim Bialik, got into a spat over their lack of romance on the trip.Sheldon, bothered by Amy's insinuations, began to prove to her that he is romantic.'If you want romance, then let's have romance,' Sheldon said.Sheldon, as fans will know, is a stubborn, neurotic and socially inept theoretical See More physicist who is certain that he has no need for physical intimacy and who is against any type of physical contact. Watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zva3SRxQCv0

The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon Kisses Amy
Sheldon and Amy share a romantic kiss on Valentine's Day. Leonard and Sheldon are brilliant physicists - geniuses in the laboratory, but socially challenged ...
on February 08, 2014

I just changed my Qfeast username. My old username was DuskBlitzRainbowShine
on February 02, 2014

Another key to bronyhood, is knowing the background ponies. Here are some:
You don't need to know all of them, just the main ones like Dr Whooves, Octavia ( http://th02.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/133/4/6/octavia__mlp_fim_by_atomicgreymon-d3g6ttg.png See More ) Vinyl Scratch/ DJPON3 ( http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120505143714/mlp/images/0/08/DJ_Pon-3_square_no_watermark.png ) Derpy Hooves, Colgate/Minuette, Dinky ( http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110405002037/mlp/images/3/30/Dinky_Doo_id.png )
It may seem impossibly hard, but as I continued to get more into the fandom, I found it easier to name them :)
You don't need to know all of them, just the main ones like Dr Whooves, Octavia ( http://th02.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/133/4/6/octavia__mlp_fim_by_atomicgreymon-d3g6ttg.png See More ) Vinyl Scratch/ DJPON3 ( http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120505143714/mlp/images/0/08/DJ_Pon-3_square_no_watermark.png ) Derpy Hooves, Colgate/Minuette, Dinky ( http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110405002037/mlp/images/3/30/Dinky_Doo_id.png )
It may seem impossibly hard, but as I continued to get more into the fandom, I found it easier to name them :)

on January 20, 2014

MLP birthday game!
Jan - Hug
Feb - Have a sleepover with
Mar - Dance with
April - Go to a party with
May - Kidnap
June - Eat See More
July - Fight with
August - Make cupcakes out of
September - Scam people with
October - Give a present to
November - Walk to school with
December - Watch TV with
1 - Discord
2 - Twilight Sparkle
3 - Fluttershy
4 - Applejack
5 - Flim Skim
6 - Flam
7 - Rarity
8 - Rainbow Dash
9 - Derpy
10 - Pinkie Pie
11 - Colgate
12 - Dr Whooves
13 - Berry Punch
14 - Carrot Top
15 - The Living Tombstone
16 - Glaze/WoodenToaster
17 - 7th Element
18 - Mic The Microphone
19 - Sunset Shimmer
20 - Nightmare Moon
21 - Jackle App
22 - Sombra
23 - Celestia
24 - Luna
25 - Cadence
26 - Gilda
27 - Bon Bon
28 - Braeburn
29 - Cloudchaser
30 - Flitter
31 - Lyra
I get to scam people with Flim!
Jan - Hug
Feb - Have a sleepover with
Mar - Dance with
April - Go to a party with
May - Kidnap
June - Eat See More
July - Fight with
August - Make cupcakes out of
September - Scam people with
October - Give a present to
November - Walk to school with
December - Watch TV with
1 - Discord
2 - Twilight Sparkle
3 - Fluttershy
4 - Applejack
5 - Flim Skim
6 - Flam
7 - Rarity
8 - Rainbow Dash
9 - Derpy
10 - Pinkie Pie
11 - Colgate
12 - Dr Whooves
13 - Berry Punch
14 - Carrot Top
15 - The Living Tombstone
16 - Glaze/WoodenToaster
17 - 7th Element
18 - Mic The Microphone
19 - Sunset Shimmer
20 - Nightmare Moon
21 - Jackle App
22 - Sombra
23 - Celestia
24 - Luna
25 - Cadence
26 - Gilda
27 - Bon Bon
28 - Braeburn
29 - Cloudchaser
30 - Flitter
31 - Lyra
I get to scam people with Flim!
on January 19, 2014

ToturerKasiyeMarie asked a question
What is the episode where the my little pony characters meet male versions of them self?
on January 19, 2014

I just found out that a DS game I have called Monster Rancher is a TV show! And the Flim Flam Brothers voice actors are in it as nearly all the characters! So they were friends and worked together before MLP: FiM? Wow.

on January 19, 2014
on January 19, 2014

I'm back online now, I had to have tea.

on January 19, 2014
on January 19, 2014

I can't do the private conversation thing because I can't activate my email.

on January 19, 2014

on January 19, 2014
on January 19, 2014