Ur OC's eyes! :)

Yay :D
on April 04, 2014

Heck ya!
on March 31, 2014

Do you like them?
on March 10, 2014
on February 13, 2014

Another key to bronyhood, is knowing the background ponies. Here are some:
You don't need to know all of them, just the main ones like Dr Whooves, Octavia ( http://th02.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/133/4/6/octavia__mlp_fim_by_atomicgreymon-d3g6ttg.png See More ) Vinyl Scratch/ DJPON3 ( http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120505143714/mlp/images/0/08/DJ_Pon-3_square_no_watermark.png ) Derpy Hooves, Colgate/Minuette, Dinky ( http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110405002037/mlp/images/3/30/Dinky_Doo_id.png )
It may seem impossibly hard, but as I continued to get more into the fandom, I found it easier to name them :)
You don't need to know all of them, just the main ones like Dr Whooves, Octavia ( http://th02.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/133/4/6/octavia__mlp_fim_by_atomicgreymon-d3g6ttg.png See More ) Vinyl Scratch/ DJPON3 ( http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120505143714/mlp/images/0/08/DJ_Pon-3_square_no_watermark.png ) Derpy Hooves, Colgate/Minuette, Dinky ( http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110405002037/mlp/images/3/30/Dinky_Doo_id.png )
It may seem impossibly hard, but as I continued to get more into the fandom, I found it easier to name them :)

on January 20, 2014

I love Gummy he's so adorable!
(Hunter) *glares*
Uh, but Hunter is awesome!
(Hunter) *glares*
Uh, but Hunter is awesome!
on January 19, 2014

Hola,qfeast! I am here to report a problem. I recently made a picture, and wanted to upload it to qfeast but when I did the colours went all funny.
The photo is meant to look like this: http://th07.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/001/4/f/bfgd_by_isybee101-d70dq4i.png
But, when I uploaded it to qfeast, it looked like this: http://www.qfeast.com/imret/u/28cdde6e28f44861b1b4e976728281.jpg?w=1016&h=558&sc=1
See how the colours are all strange?
I uploaded a few pictures after this See More one and the colours on those turned out fine
I think this is a mere bug, but I really hope it can be fixed.
The photo is meant to look like this: http://th07.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/001/4/f/bfgd_by_isybee101-d70dq4i.png
But, when I uploaded it to qfeast, it looked like this: http://www.qfeast.com/imret/u/28cdde6e28f44861b1b4e976728281.jpg?w=1016&h=558&sc=1
See how the colours are all strange?
I uploaded a few pictures after this See More one and the colours on those turned out fine
I think this is a mere bug, but I really hope it can be fixed.

It seams that the image has the wrong extension, causing this artifact (now it is a .png, it should be .jpg).
Please change the file name to bfgd_by_isybee101-d70dq4i.jpg , try again and tell us if it worked.
Thank you for contacting us
Please change the file name to bfgd_by_isybee101-d70dq4i.jpg , try again and tell us if it worked.
Thank you for contacting us
on January 02, 2014
on January 02, 2014

on December 18, 2013