on August 19, 2014

on August 19, 2014

Tariyukimew added a new chapter to Just Poems And Stuff
I just wanted to go for a swim, I wanted to swim in the happiness of my friends. instead I end up drowning in the depths of there hatred. my tears only add to the liquid that's covering my body. I try to speak words but all people hear is the silence of a girl sinking. Nobody diving into the pool of sorrow to save her. no helping hands to pull her out. just the darkness of water and sadness can be seen as the liquid fills her lungs. one last breath...
Read Full Chapter
on August 01, 2014

Tariyukimew asked a question

Hello everyone, what pokemon would you like to have a mega evolution~ try to avoid spam...
on July 15, 2014

otay everyone I will try to be on more often but this new job is so tiring >3< I am so sowwy
on June 28, 2014

Tariyukimew asked a question

besides the Master-ball, what is your favorite poke-ball? -3- the reason I chose to not...
on June 17, 2014

on June 13, 2014

Tariyukimew added a new chapter to Just Poems And Stuff
I stay out in the open but people have yet to see me, all they see is their shadows that they cast onto me. It always feels like nighttime for me with all the dark shadows covering me. They don't ever see me, all they see is a tool to help them. If I try to make them see me they get angry and leave. I am completely alone surrounded by the shadows of those that only see themselves and not of the poor lonely girl that needs help.
Read Full Chapter
on June 12, 2014

on June 12, 2014

Diablols Reaper of Souls
Help Support the Cartoons: http://www.patreon.com/carbotanimations SHIRTS: http://gear.blizzard.com/index.php/default/starcrafts/ Follow on Twitter: https://...
on June 12, 2014

on June 12, 2014

on June 12, 2014

Tariyukimew asked a question

if you could wield one soul eater weapon for a day and be his/her meister, who would yo...
on June 12, 2014