Tariyukimew added a new chapter to Just Poems And Stuff
In a world dull and full of grey, the lone girl sits on her knees looking up, a sky empty and longing bares down upon her, the girl looks longingly up at a sky that never looks back... She averts her gaze and suddenly something wet flows down her skin, the lifeless sky lit up with colourful clouds... Drenching a colourful smile into the earth... The girl looks down and now the earth looks back, she looks longingly at the painted smile while many hands stretch out from the cold canvas that is ...
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on January 08, 2023

Tariyukimew added a new chapter to Just Poems And Stuff
Mirror within
I am not one but many... My soul reflected across many... Each piece fractured and reflected upon themselves, many voices in one person.... Many moments in time trapped eternally, emotions craving to escape but who is going to listen? They cry over one another, many hands reaching out to try and reatatch... Craving to be one entity again, the screams... The masks.... The tears... The overbearing weight... Constantly choking on my own words, a mind torn and ripped apart, a heart constantly ble...
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on March 21, 2022

Tariyukimew added a new chapter to Just Poems And Stuff
Falling through hues
Falling through a sky that isn't so blue, a existence of many hues, visions of clouds going past, a hand outreached, the clouds take the shape of many faces, all with a lovely smile upon them, reaching out yet hesitant to touch, fears that the clouds may actually leave an impact, the freefall continues through a sky of many hues, no end within view...
A blissful fall of hesitation turns into a nightmarish decent as the clouds begin drifting away, what was once thoughts of concern and doubt tu... Read Full Chapter
A blissful fall of hesitation turns into a nightmarish decent as the clouds begin drifting away, what was once thoughts of concern and doubt tu... Read Full Chapter
on March 21, 2022

Tariyukimew added a new chapter to Just Poems And Stuff
Ripples in a Pond, a River Constantly Flowing
A crystal clear pond shimmering with innocence, the rain comes in and disrupts the pond's calm nature, for a brief moment the pond was disturbed, but what was a brief moment continues to linger, not a cloud in the sky, the rain has stopped, the pond forever altered, tears ever flowing, an innocent mind still growing, the child and the pond won't ever be the same again, the ripples will continue onward, what once was a pond is now a lake, rivers carved their way, the water flowing to the cent...
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on December 03, 2020

Tariyukimew added a new chapter to Just Poems And Stuff
Confusion and Repetition
a familiar cliff, a familiar scene, different faces, a single hand, a fall through memories, reaching out, chaos and uncertainty, the eyes come open, a familiar cliff, a familiar scene, a hand that reached out, was it to push, or was it to help, another fall, a goal still within view, the sun is no longer setting, a different scene plays out, but the eyes come open, a familiar cliff.... a familiar scene, history repeating itself but what does it all mean, different stars in a sky not so famil...
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on July 13, 2020

you ever just feel like you are falling through your life? like you see how many people you connected with and every event and just wonder, do they remember you?
on July 13, 2020

on June 08, 2019

Tariyukimew asked a question

For those that play FFXIV, what would be some of your favorite vistas from the South Sh...
on June 08, 2019

Lots of things have changed in my time away~ lots of my friends from here are inactive now, I dun know how many of my followers are either, buuut such is life~ I am sure they are all living it to the fullest :3 plenty of new and exciting faces are here now and I can't wait to get back into the community~ also omg, I feel so old x3 I joined this site back in 2013
on May 19, 2019

If anyone would like to see anything new besides Pokemon polls, I could possibly begin attempting quizes too, most likely it will be about ffxiv as I am an avid player! Also is there any of my stories anyone would like me to continue?
on May 19, 2019

If this gets at least 1 like x3 I will become active again!

Well the people have spoken~ I will try to drop a poll more frequently, just bare with me~ I work and have been rather active with my partner x3 the poems will update randomly like they have been as I have to be in a mood to do the dark poetry I normally post on here, it's better when it comes from the heart after all
on May 19, 2019
on May 19, 2019

Tariyukimew created a poll

If a new eeveelution were to be introduced in an upcoming pokemon title, what type woul...
on May 12, 2019

Tariyukimew added a new chapter to Just Poems And Stuff
I want to cry.... but I ran out of tears.... I want to scream... but I am without a voice, without an audience, its just me... myself... and I, the voices in my head telling me I mean nothing, that nobody would give a damn if I were to just vanish, that everything I care and do are pitiful attempts at happiness, an endless cycle of torment I want to end, a stage turns out to be a cliff, but I can't jump, there is a hand holding me back, a hand made up of my own delusions into thinking I can h...
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on May 12, 2019

Tariyukimew added a new chapter to Just Poems And Stuff
A Gentle Push
A beautiful sun rising in the sky, clearing away the darkness and leaving a lovely view for a girl to take in, she stares out into the distance, desiring to be taken in by all the beauty that her eyes gaze upon. However her feet don't move, she just stands there staring, she turns away from the view to stare back at a bunch of smiling faces, she feels no reason to leave them behind, she turns back to gaze at the sky, only to feel a hand placed upon her back, she then felt a gentle push, she t...
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on July 02, 2018

Tariyukimew added a new chapter to Just Poems And Stuff
Our souls are like rivers, running along side other rivers in this giant network we call life, some streams begin getting closer and closer to you, will you accept the inevitable connection or will you build dams to keep your stream pure and unpolluted by others, the thing is, the river will never be the same in the end as it was from it's source~
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on November 06, 2017

Tariyukimew asked a question

Who is all exited for Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon? I know I am~ :3
on October 31, 2017