Tariyukimew's Polls
Tariyukimew published 34 polls

If a new eeveelution were to be introduced in an upcoming pokemon title, what type woul...

What generation of Pokemon first got you into the series?

Out of the guardian deities of Alola, which one is your favorite?

Which outfit from American Mcgee's Alice do you like more? (Otherlands set)

Which outfit from American Mcgee's Alice do you like more? (DLC Set)

Which outfit from American Mcgee's Alice do you like more? (Default set)

Out of the sun and moon legends, which one is your favorite?

Out of the truth/ideal pokemon, which one is your favorite?

What is your favorite cat inspired pokemon?

Favorite Pokemon starter? (Alola)

Which electric rodent pokemon do you like more?

What trainer from diamond/pearl/platinum is your favorite?

What trainer from saphire/Ruby/emerald and ORAS is your favorite?

What trainer from silver/gold/crystal and heart gold/soul silver is your favorite?

What trainer from red and blue/green do you like more?

What FFXIV race would you most likely be? :3

Did you all miss me?~

Favorite Pokemon starter? (Kalos)

Who do you want to be Tsugumi Harudori's Meister from Soul Eater Not?