Tariyukimew's Polls - Page 2
Tariyukimew published 34 polls

Out of the Lake trio/gaurdians (Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf) witch one is your favorite?

Out of the weather Trio (Kyogre, Groudon, and Rayquaza) is your favorite?

Manaphy and Phione~ witch one is your favorite?

Out of the Eon Duo~ witch one of the 2 is your favorite? (Latias and Latios)

mew vs Mewtwo (-3- I haven't released a poll in a wile so here is a simple one to keep ...

witch Lucky Star character out of the main 4 do you like more~?

Witch of these Electric typed Pokemon do you like more (can you spot the similarity bet...

Favorite Pokemon starter? (Kanto)

Favorite Pokemon starter? (Johto)

Favorite Pokemon starter? (Hoenn)

Favorite Pokemon starter? (Sinnoh)

Favorite Pokemon starter? (Unova)

Who is your favorite hedgehog from the sonic series?