Everybody, send Tarissa your love!!! She's going through a really really hard time right now and she needs help and support!!! Please, please, please help her out!!! <3

but anyway, I'lll see what can do to help, it always helps to talk it out
on May 25, 2014

on May 25, 2014

we have talked a little bit
on May 25, 2014

Do u know her? Have u two talked before?
on May 25, 2014

I'll see what I can talk through with her as I said in my bio, I am here to help people
on May 25, 2014
on May 18, 2014

Tariyukimew asked a question

If you had a chance to meet any Anime character, who would you choose? please tell me t...
on May 18, 2014

Tariyukimew asked a question

If you had a chance to meet one anime voice actor who would it be? This question means ...
on May 18, 2014

I won't be on for a while...... sorry everyone ^~^
on May 14, 2014

Tanks 4 following me :)
on May 01, 2014

Tariyukimew created a poll

Out of the Lake trio/gaurdians (Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf) witch one is your favorite?
on April 24, 2014

Tariyukimew created a poll

Out of the weather Trio (Kyogre, Groudon, and Rayquaza) is your favorite?
on April 18, 2014

Tariyukimew created a poll

Out of the Eon Duo~ witch one of the 2 is your favorite? (Latias and Latios)
on April 18, 2014

thx for following
on April 17, 2014