SmashPrincess asked a question
Do you think the school systems are teaching pointless things? I watched the "Don't Sta...
on January 24, 2017

SmashPrincess created a poll
What would you do if little toddlers were screaming and running around a restaurant and...
on January 19, 2017

on January 19, 2017

SmashPrincess asked a question
What is the stupidest thing you got grounded for? I want to know a time when you got gr...
on January 19, 2017

Dear popular kids at school:
I don't know who you think you are, but it is NONE OF YOUR FRICKIN BUSINESS what kind of shoes I wear, what my hairline looks like, or whether or not I have sunglasses on my head. You may think you are tough, but you are just a bunch of idiots. It is annoying other people with feelings (Yes, unpopular people have feelings too, I know, MIND BLOWN,right?) Also, I do not want to hear your crappy, loud, obnoxious noise that you call music. Put some earphones See More in or save it for later! I'm sorry, but not everyone wants to hear some dude rapping about drugs, boobs, and big butts. Especially me. I do not appreciate being called "Barney" or "Elmo" or any names. You do not need to put "though" after every sentence. I also do not appreciate any time when you poke me or my friends, pull our hair, or scream in our ears, or drop tampons, on us, or throw stuff at us.
A person with actual brains, common sense, respect for others, and feelings.
I don't know who you think you are, but it is NONE OF YOUR FRICKIN BUSINESS what kind of shoes I wear, what my hairline looks like, or whether or not I have sunglasses on my head. You may think you are tough, but you are just a bunch of idiots. It is annoying other people with feelings (Yes, unpopular people have feelings too, I know, MIND BLOWN,right?) Also, I do not want to hear your crappy, loud, obnoxious noise that you call music. Put some earphones See More in or save it for later! I'm sorry, but not everyone wants to hear some dude rapping about drugs, boobs, and big butts. Especially me. I do not appreciate being called "Barney" or "Elmo" or any names. You do not need to put "though" after every sentence. I also do not appreciate any time when you poke me or my friends, pull our hair, or scream in our ears, or drop tampons, on us, or throw stuff at us.
A person with actual brains, common sense, respect for others, and feelings.
on January 16, 2017

Sometimes, I feel that certain people at my school are only nice to me because I have heart problems. It's like the second I leave they're like "Ewww, that girl is annoying, why do we even TRY to be nice to her?" One time at a New Year's party, one girl from my school was there and she did my makeup and was really nice to me. At school, she called me "Barney" and "Elmo" for wearing sunglasses inside.
Don't think things like that! What would life be like if you were never able to trust anyone and were to afraid to make a new friend? And if it turns out that they are actually bullies, then now you know! It's awesome that you know that they wouldn't make a good friend before you became besties. People that don't like you for who you are, aren't good people See More themselves.
on September 07, 2019
on January 16, 2017

It really yanks my chain when we're in gym class and me and my friend stand RIGHT NEXT TO 2nd base in 4 base kickball. We literally watch as runners zoom past us, and NOBODY passes us the frickin ball!!! I mean, we're RIGHT THERE!! I mean, I honestly don't care because I hate sports, but this is something that bothers me a little. Oh, and even though nobody passes my friend and me the ball, they yell at us for not doing anything. I also hate it when people treat gym class like See More it's the frickin OLYMPICS!!! Any thoughts?
on January 09, 2017

SmashPrincess asked a question
Why do you think our society is so sensitive? Over the past couple years, I've noticed...
on December 29, 2016

I hate it when people say stuff like "I'm the guest." When people say that stuff, they are basically implying that just because they don't live at this household, it means they can act however they want. This also implies that you have to treat them like royalty and be nice to them no matter how annoying they are. Anyone else agree?

IKR. If you're the guest, it means you don't own this house. If I'm kind enough to allow you to come over, you can't just act however you want. Have some respect for me and my property, and I'll do the same in your house.
on December 29, 2016

To an extent
Example, if they are your friend, then you should
If it's your best friend no need
If they are being nice and joking, then sure! Treat em nice!
Example, if they are your friend, then you should
If it's your best friend no need
If they are being nice and joking, then sure! Treat em nice!
on December 29, 2016
on December 29, 2016

SmashPrincess asked a question
What is the last thing you got in trouble for? What was the last thing you did that got...
on December 19, 2016

SmashPrincess asked a question
What is a rule at your workplace/school that you think is stupid? Do you have any stupi...
on August 29, 2016

SmashPrincess asked a question
Should young kids be watching PG-13 or R rated movies? Why or why not? Do you think tha...
on July 25, 2016

SmashPrincess asked a question
Do you think that young kids should play video games rated T and up? Why or why not? Wh...
on July 25, 2016