Last thing I copied: As luck would have it
on February 17, 2015

I Have Created a Simple Qfeast Enforcement Group Known as the Net Police. Is It A Good Idea? (Please decide carefully!)
Yes, it is a good idea! I hope it succeeds! / No, it is a bad idea because___(Please post comment below) / Indifferent. Vote on this poll. Once you vote...
on February 17, 2015

Oh...my gosh...the square root of 443556...it's...:-&

on February 17, 2015
on February 17, 2015

Well, all seems quiet. So, I end my patrolling, and good night all you people! *yawns* it's literally 12:21am in the morning!
on February 17, 2015

Reploid_Zero asked a question
Guess, where this quote comes from? Here's the quote: "The target's crime coefficient j...
on February 17, 2015

Look what personality I've got! What about you?
on February 17, 2015

Hello Inspector @ShadowX. I've assigned you a case regarding a threat made. For more deatails/questions, please PM me. I would also like for you to monitor @BlueTurkey for anything harmful and that would be against her.
on February 17, 2015

The page you specified doesn't exist...what happened to it?

on February 16, 2015
on February 16, 2015

I'm considering on placing you under arrest...
on February 16, 2015

Fall in!

Well, cards against humanity for one. There are some young kids on here and their parents do NOT want them seeing some of the posts on there! I think that page should be secret or profile, NOT public
on February 16, 2015

I'm going on to some pages that I consider shady and creating some polls to figure some stuff out, alright?
on February 16, 2015
on February 16, 2015

on February 16, 2015

Can I be a Net police, well dog? :p

on February 16, 2015
on February 16, 2015

Congratulations! You are a full fledged member of the Net Police!

Yes sir! I will do my part in protecting the innocents of the internet and stop all who does wrong on our precious site. *salutes*
on February 16, 2015
on February 16, 2015

Net Police Handbook and Status
This is a guide for members of the Net Police. To visit our page, please copy and paste the link provided. http://www.qfeast.com/page/tvAtal/The-Net-Police-Head-Quarters

^_^ Please refer to the hand book for on/off duty days if you haven't done so! And Good luck! :D
on February 16, 2015

on February 16, 2015

on February 16, 2015
on February 16, 2015

Would anyone like to join?

on February 16, 2015
on February 16, 2015

Reploid_Zero created a poll

I Have Created a Simple Qfeast Enforcement Group Known as the Net Police. Is It A Good ...
on February 16, 2015

I have also added quickly granted rights for Qfeasters and Off duty and On duty days.
on February 16, 2015