On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate The Cyber Board, 1 being the worst and 10 being the best.
on July 29, 2013

I'm currently working on a TRON: Uprising quiz, and I just finished part 1 of a book version of TRON: Legacy.
on July 26, 2013

Reploid_Zero added a new chapter to TRON the Hero, Part 1
What will Sam do? Stay tuned for TRON the Hero part 2!
Read Full Chapter
on July 23, 2013

Almost nobody is here. Try a page called The Cyber Board.
on July 22, 2013

This is a great place to chat...if anybody comes here that is...B)

So, basically, I chat around 8:30, 8:40 Eastern time. And if you don't answer soon, I can't answer till the next day. If that day is a
on July 23, 2013

I only get 10-20 minuets a day on my mom's computer because my computer can't connect starting last Saturday.
on July 23, 2013
on July 19, 2013

Reploid_Zero added a new chapter to TRON the Hero, Part 1
An expected welcome
In a instant he felt his body turn into pieces. What he didn't realize was that he was to into a place that was thought a myth. But it was very real. There was a recognizer coming down to capture him. A recognizer was sideways-looking-two-legged-spaceship (just look it up online). When the thing came rumbling down, a spotlight came over him...
Read Full Chapter
on July 19, 2013

Reploid_Zero added a new chapter to TRON the Hero, Part 1
Enter the grid, Sam Flynn!
He road to the arcade known as Flynn's. He
entered the arcade, knowing every secret, including the room that had the laser that carried his father in and out of the grid. He thought, wow, this place is old! He uncovered the tarp that was over the arcade game, "TRON". He pushed the "PLAY 50 cents" button and out came the quarter from the arcade machine. He slipped the quarter into the money slot. He pulled on the old arcade machine's side and hard and slowly, revealed a metal door. As he wa... Read Full Chapter
entered the arcade, knowing every secret, including the room that had the laser that carried his father in and out of the grid. He thought, wow, this place is old! He uncovered the tarp that was over the arcade game, "TRON". He pushed the "PLAY 50 cents" button and out came the quarter from the arcade machine. He slipped the quarter into the money slot. He pulled on the old arcade machine's side and hard and slowly, revealed a metal door. As he wa... Read Full Chapter
on July 18, 2013

Reploid_Zero added a new chapter to TRON the Hero, Part 1
The Left Legacy
On that same night TRON was derezed, Flynn suddenly disappeared, leaving his son, Sam Flynn behind. Flynn was on the verge of something great. A discovery that could change the world!
However, the with the remaining programs and CLU's occupation force invading and conquering, TRON was dead. Leaving the grid open to CLU. Sam left house in an angry rage, had enough of his parents. Where is my father? Why did he disappear? Soon, very soon, he'll find the mystery behind the disappearance.
... Read Full Chapter
However, the with the remaining programs and CLU's occupation force invading and conquering, TRON was dead. Leaving the grid open to CLU. Sam left house in an angry rage, had enough of his parents. Where is my father? Why did he disappear? Soon, very soon, he'll find the mystery behind the disappearance.
... Read Full Chapter
on July 18, 2013