What color aura do you have?

What color aura do you have?

As the title highly implies, this quiz shows what color aura you have.

published on September 15, 2014

Ok so you see your friend being bullied at school, how do you react?

I go over there and kick the bully's butt!
Tell my other friends and confront him.
The best thing to do is tell a teacher.
I would try to stop it... but not exactly sure how..
Lecture him to knock it off or you'll tell the teacher! >:3
I don't know, wait until it's over and go see if my friend id alright.

What do you do in your free time?

What do you do in your free time?
Sports :P
I hang out with my friends, go to the mall, things like that.
Reading books
Arts and crafts! Those are always fun!
Write a story
Play with my pets <3

What is one bad personality trait about yourself?

What is one bad personality trait about yourself?
I can have a bad temper sometimes
I am very impatient
I can be overly critical
I sometimes make rash mistakes
I'm a workaholic
I usually am distant from other people

Your on your way home from school, and you come across a stray kitten, what do you do?

Your on your way home from school, and you come across a stray kitten, what do you do?
I would take it to the shelter.
I would take it home of course!
Maybe it's someone's cat, better leave it there.
I would take it for a while until it gets better, but then i would take it somewhere better.
I would hold onto it then place "Found Cat" flyers
Take it home, feed it and keep it! <3 who wouldn't do that!

What's your favorite color? (And by choosing what color you want to get won't help you get it)

What's your favorite color? (And by choosing what color you want to get won't help you get it)
Darker colors.
Al of 'dem! <3
It doesn't really matter to me.
The usual colors like red, green, yellow.
Calmer colors like blue
Brighter colors like neons

Pick a gemstone:

Pick a gemstone:
Tiger's Eye

You were invited to a party... but its the night before a big test! what do you do?

You were invited to a party... but its the night before a big test! what do you do?
I will study a little before going then go to the party.
Duh! I would go!
No, it's very important to get good grades. I won't go blow off all my hard work for nothing!
Hmmm... Ok, for a little while. Then i'll study!
Explain to my friends why i can't go but beg them to tell me what happened afterwards <3
I would be pretty down about not going, but i should study...

You were practicing all weekend for your big soccer game, (even if you don't like soccer just go with it) You lost! your reaction?

You were practicing all weekend for your big soccer game, (even if you don't like soccer just go with it) You lost! your reaction?
As long we all had fun... but i'm still upset...
But i practiced until i was sure i was going to win!
Oh well, i can only hope we do better next time.
That's ok! As long we all had fun!
Better luck next time, because i'll be better by then!