Reploid_Zero added a new chapter to Me and RedRibbonedGirl
The End
Sophie just starred at me, obviously stunned. She slowly got up and stammered, " I...g-gotta go...", and she ran away. I was just stunned myself, that and heart broken. Maybe it was to soon to tell her how I felt? I dunno, sadly and slowly, I trudged home thinking, ~life is dull again, so hopelessly dull~...When I got home, I started to punch my punching bag, and furiously. I eventually punched so hard my hands were bleeding. "Darn it! Graah!" I screamed. As I went to bed I was thinking anoth...
Read Full Chapter
on February 20, 2015

on February 20, 2015

on February 20, 2015

How does it feel to be Second In Command?

1. Terezi & Karkat are from Homestuck. :3
2. -.- Yep, don't think that'll happen...
2. -.- Yep, don't think that'll happen...
on February 21, 2015
on February 20, 2015

@That_One_Depressed_Guy and I made our vote. You're the last one to pick whose going to be second in command for the Net Police.

Your rank isn't commander. *sigh* I might as well say it. Waiting for @Kayna888 is a formality. Only three people can vote on who is second in command, me @Kanya888, and @That_One_Depressed_Guy. Us two made our choice already...so...Lieutenant @Broadway4life, you are no longer the rank of Lieutenant. As of now, you are officially Second In Command of the Net See More Police. Congratulations!
on February 20, 2015
on February 20, 2015

♈ Aries
♉ Taurus
♊ Gemini
♋ Cancer
♌ Leo
♍ Virgo
♎ Libra See More
♏ Scorpio
♐ Sagittarius
♑ Capricorn
♒ Aquarius ❤️
♓ Pisces
Repost and put a ♥ by what you are
♉ Taurus
♊ Gemini
♋ Cancer
♌ Leo
♍ Virgo
♎ Libra See More
♏ Scorpio
♐ Sagittarius
♑ Capricorn
♒ Aquarius ❤️
♓ Pisces
Repost and put a ♥ by what you are
on February 20, 2015

^.^U I'm sorry...I can't PM again...
on February 20, 2015

Attention members of the Net Police. In order to sustain a orderly conversation with other members of the Net Police, it is recommended to use the Members' Chat. Thank you for you're cooperation.
on February 19, 2015

Kayna, as a Commander-ranking official of the Net Police, we need you to decide who is going to be second in command. Please go to the page to cast your vote.
on February 19, 2015

I'm back. When ever you're ready to return Chief status to me, I'll be waiting.

I wanted to create a hate page so we could see who's a hater and get info
on February 20, 2015
on February 19, 2015

Anyways, I hope @Markimoo will be a more likable Chief. Officially and for real, GOOD BYE!
on February 18, 2015

@Markimoo is now temporary Chief of the Net Police. You will take orders from @Markimoo.

Well, you're not going to be watched, just left alone. I've been holding this in for a long time, but you are a nuisance! You've cussed so many times, and you've said you're drunk, AND you tried to become the Chief, AND a lot of other people have been complaining about your behavior. If you wan back in, shape up! Or go away!
on February 18, 2015

Sir, I don't believe that qualities as harassment or a chargeable offense. I'm much more than certain @EMO_BEAST did not mean the statements literally and many people curse on qfeast
on February 18, 2015

For one, trying to take over the Net Police without proper authority. I gave the Chief status to @Markimoo. And second, harassment via foul language.
on February 18, 2015
on February 18, 2015

GRAAAAH! OH...MY...FRICKEN GOSH...I've had enough of this, @Markimoo, you're temporary Chief of the Net Police, I'm leaving and I dunno when I'm coming back. And don't ask me why I'm leaving.
on February 18, 2015

GRAAAAH! OH...MY...FRICKEN GOSH...I've had enough of this, @Markimoo, you're temporary Chief of the Net Police, I'm leaving and I dunno when I'm coming back. And don't ask me why I'm leaving.
on February 18, 2015

The cyber world.
on February 18, 2015

@Markimoo, do you see anything offensive on @EMO_BEAST's profile?

on February 17, 2015

Okay sir. I'll monitor him. But will he be freed of his job for real, sir? Or is it just a suspension?
on February 17, 2015
on February 17, 2015

It's just a whole bunch of pictures in the profile. Get me a screen shot evidence.
on February 17, 2015

Wolfie: *Whimpering and barking*
on February 17, 2015