
Sorry, my dad made me work A LOT over the weekend. I'm sorry...! :(
on March 02, 2015
on March 01, 2015

I am not @scenecandybursts she stole my profile pic of myself

When I fight someone, I don't hold back, and try to make it hurt as much as possible. The same is with my dark side....heheheh.
on February 27, 2015
on February 27, 2015

Reploid_Zero asked a question

Is It Bad That I Want to Be The Best? Okay...so here's the deal. For some reason (I rem...
on February 25, 2015

on February 23, 2015

Here's the anime I was talking about. (G Gundam)

Mobile Fighter G Gundam Episode 1: The Gundam Fight Begins! The Gundam That Fell To Earth
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Yay! I'm not sure if it's your type of thing though...^.^U So I don't wanna make you watch it...
on February 22, 2015
on February 22, 2015

^.^U Erm, I posted another pic of me...

on February 22, 2015

on February 22, 2015
on February 22, 2015

Dear Mr. Eston Vandiveer,
Happy 70-something-eth birthday. You were an old, old friend. Everyone misses you, your sister, the church people that you used to go with. Why Mr. Vandiveer? Why did you leave us? I promised to walk your dog Benjie, and we played dominoes and had bible studies together...we had so many good times, but they were so short! :(( I only knew you for months, and you were old, but you had a spirit of the bravest soldier, the quietness and peacefulness of a See More lamb, so why did you have to leave me!? I'll miss you, and only hope you know how much I missed you Mr. Vandiveer...:( I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise...you were supposed to let me walk your dog, good ol' Benjie, remember? I wonder if he's still with us, or did you ask God for him too? :(( Either way, rest well, old friend.
Your companion, Joshua.
Happy 70-something-eth birthday. You were an old, old friend. Everyone misses you, your sister, the church people that you used to go with. Why Mr. Vandiveer? Why did you leave us? I promised to walk your dog Benjie, and we played dominoes and had bible studies together...we had so many good times, but they were so short! :(( I only knew you for months, and you were old, but you had a spirit of the bravest soldier, the quietness and peacefulness of a See More lamb, so why did you have to leave me!? I'll miss you, and only hope you know how much I missed you Mr. Vandiveer...:( I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise...you were supposed to let me walk your dog, good ol' Benjie, remember? I wonder if he's still with us, or did you ask God for him too? :(( Either way, rest well, old friend.
Your companion, Joshua.

on February 21, 2015

...It's not my nature...I know he's happy with God, but I feel so...so...I COULDN'T HELP HIM WHEN HE NEEDED ME!!! :(( FOR ALL MY STRENGTH IT MEANT NOTHING!
on February 21, 2015
on February 21, 2015

Welp, I gtg guys.
on February 20, 2015

The thing I was and am still afraid of...not being strong enough to protect those who I really care about. :(
on February 20, 2015

Not me, but my dad: A big brown blob floating out in space that's the size of four foot ball fields........

on February 20, 2015

.3. Never mind!!!!!!@Dark_Megaman.EXE and AWWWW YOU BLUSHED????@That_One_Depressed_Guy
on February 20, 2015

on February 20, 2015
on February 20, 2015

Reploid_Zero asked a question

What Kind of Story Would You Want Me to Write? Well, I'm done with my latest story, "Me...
on February 20, 2015

Hello Inspector @ShadowX. The case you have been assigned to is solved. You can relax now! :D
on February 20, 2015

I wonder how @Broadway4life will handle the job...
on February 20, 2015

"The target's crime coefficient judgement has been reappraised. Enforcement action is required. Non-lethal paralyzer engaged, safety is now unlocked."
on February 20, 2015

Hey! You're one of my followers! Dark_Megaman.EXE thinks you're grrrrreat!
on February 20, 2015