Thanks for the follow!

Thank you! It was an attempt at finding a picture that looks slightly like me:) I wish I looked that awesome though!
on September 20, 2014

I like your profile!
on September 20, 2014

Your welcome!
on September 19, 2014
on September 19, 2014

Just another day. And school started yesterday.

Wattpad is a website where you write stories. It's like qfeast but only for stories and more professional
on August 30, 2014

on August 30, 2014

on August 27, 2014
on August 22, 2014

You sure seem lively. All animal lovers are that way it seems...
on August 12, 2014

Congratulations on your Qfeast Marathon win...
on August 06, 2014

Lol, you guys are pretty good! Here's something I'd like to announce...I'm doing a YouTube Let's Play!
on August 06, 2014

Joshua Kovacs
HU Upload Sign in Search Joshua Kovacs Videos Playlists Channels Discussion About What to Watch Best of YouTube Popular on YouTube Music Sports Gaming Browse channels Sign in now to see your channels and recommendations! Sign In Close Choose your language. Learn more You're viewing YouTube in English (US). You can change this preference below. You're viewing YouTube in English. You can change this preference below. SubscribeSubscribedUnsubscribe 0 Subscription preferences Loading... Loading... Working... Joshua Kovacs Home Videos Playlists Channels Discussion About All activities Recent posts Uploads Joshua Kovacs uploaded and posted Add a message to your video 1:28 LP Megaman Battle Network Trailer 2 5 hours ago 5 views I'm not good a video editing, so I us
on August 06, 2014

What's Qfeast marathon

It's a Qfeast contest I created on my page called "Qfeast Marathon". The last contest ended today at 5:00pm. Don't worry, they'll be more though!
on July 16, 2014
on July 15, 2014

It's good to be back! I've always been having computer issues. That's why I haven't been on lately. Otherwise I'd be on 24/7.
on July 14, 2014

Thank you for following me.
on July 14, 2014

The Qfeast Marathon is starting!
on July 14, 2014

The Qfeast Marathon is starting!

It's fine! Remeber, it's the Qfeast contest I made on a page called the Qfeast Marathon?
on July 14, 2014

I am so sorry, I really am - but what's that? I'm so sorry, I'm tired, that's probably why I can't remember!! I really hope you're not annoyed!!
on July 14, 2014
on July 14, 2014

on July 14, 2014