on June 12, 2014

Don't worry it's fine! I'm here for you! I completely understand

on July 24, 2014

I have no idea, sorry, I have been talking to my boyfriend and now I put hearts everywhere!
on July 24, 2014
on June 11, 2014

Taking Chances has been updated!
on May 12, 2014

Thanks for the follow!
on May 08, 2014

Reploid_Zero added a new chapter to Deltora Archives: Volume 1

The After Affects of The Completed Belt
The Belt of Deltora. It was completed for the first time. Each of the gems glowed brilliantly along with the belt. I stood in awe thinking, how much more powerful can anything get? Each of the gems, laid in order, the first letters of each gem will spell, Deltora. I remember Adin when the remainders if the tribes gathered and he revealed his plan, before going to Del, he spoke these words, "We are now officially Deltora! Just as each one of our tribes alone could not defeat the Shadow Lord, t...
Read Full Chapter
on April 21, 2014

on April 19, 2014

Reploid_Zero added a new chapter to Deltora Archives: Volume 1

The Dream Starts
I was living in a small villiage in what was known as the tribe of Del. Adin was a black smith in a forge some ways away in the forest. Since he was known as the mystical black smith due to his fine crafts of steel, bronze, and other various metals, he was elected as keeper of the gem. Rumor had it that tribes were being invaded by powerful shadow spirits, and the leader, was known simply as the Shadow Lord. Survivng, but wounded travlers told me that the shadows acted as commanders, and the ...
Read Full Chapter
on April 19, 2014

So you read deltora Quest too? Nice!

on April 19, 2014
on April 19, 2014

So, you're a Deltora Fan too? Nice!
on April 19, 2014

Thank you for following me!
on April 18, 2014

Lol, your comment on my Christian story is really long, lol.
on April 18, 2014

tanks 4 following me :)
on April 10, 2014

on April 09, 2014

You've been TAGGED! I think go to Answers to Tag Game.

No problem! But don't you have to ask me 10 questions! I didn't mean to sound mean, so I should be sorry, it's just I got home from exercising myslef and was really tired.
on April 10, 2014
on April 08, 2014
~send this to everyone started by Parabolic!