Petra Ral x Reader fanfictions getc me more attached. I should stop.
She isn't even an alive character.
She isn't even an alive character.

I do that with Touka. Just accept it, brother. UnU
on May 25, 2015
on May 25, 2015

on May 25, 2015

Look what personality I've got! What about you?
on May 25, 2015

Pretend You're Xyzzy
Pretend You're Xyzzy A Cards Against Humanity clone. This webapp is still in development. There will be bugs, but hopefully they won't affect gameplay very much. To assist with development, all traffic on this server may be logged. If this is your first time playing, you may wish to read the changelog and list of known issues. Most recent update: 3 May 2015: The game list automatically updates once per minute now, instead of several times per second. You can still click the Refresh Games button in the top left corner at any time. Chat flood protection has been made more strict. Other back-end changes to attempt to get the AWS bill in control. All locally-stored custom card sets have been removed. You must use Cardcast for custom card sets now. The 5th and 6t
on May 25, 2015

on May 25, 2015

on May 24, 2015

5 likes: Handwriting Challenge:
- Write your display name
- Write your URL.
- Favorite color
- Write your favorite quote.
- Write your crush's name.
- Write with the opposite hand you write with. See More
- Capitals
- Write 10 things you hate.
- Write 10 things you like.
- Fave number.
- Write your best friends name
- Write the name of the three favorite songs you love.
- Write "Hello".
- Write your display name
- Write your URL.
- Favorite color
- Write your favorite quote.
- Write your crush's name.
- Write with the opposite hand you write with. See More
- Capitals
- Write 10 things you hate.
- Write 10 things you like.
- Fave number.
- Write your best friends name
- Write the name of the three favorite songs you love.
- Write "Hello".
on May 24, 2015

"Are you straight?"
Straight from Hell.
Straight from Hell.
on May 24, 2015

I went for a walk as Vriska. So many weird looks from people... >.>
I'm just a person too.
I'm just a person too.
on May 24, 2015

Hello, I am Sydney. Welcome to your new life.
on May 24, 2015
on May 24, 2015

I'm feel like making a bad Oc page. Yeh?
on May 24, 2015

Feet fetishes. .-.
on May 24, 2015

Seahorse Dad [Seahorse Dad] joined chat. ~~ 3 ~~
Seahorse Dad: UH neigh?
CC: )(ello! 38D
Seahorse Dad: Have you seen my son anywhere
CC: W)(at does )(e look like? 38/
Seahorse Dad: He looks like a hipster with a purple streak in his hair
CC: )(e went to )(ogwarts. See More
Seahorse Dad: Wwhat! Wwithout me? *gross seahorse sobbing*
CC: Sorry. 38(
Seahorse Dad: This is unacceptable! I'm grounding him for 8 swweeps!
CC: Good luck trying to catc)( )(im! 38D
cuttlefishCuller [CC] disconnected.
Seahorse Dad [Seahorse Dad] disconnected.
Seahorse Dad: UH neigh?
CC: )(ello! 38D
Seahorse Dad: Have you seen my son anywhere
CC: W)(at does )(e look like? 38/
Seahorse Dad: He looks like a hipster with a purple streak in his hair
CC: )(e went to )(ogwarts. See More
Seahorse Dad: Wwhat! Wwithout me? *gross seahorse sobbing*
CC: Sorry. 38(
Seahorse Dad: This is unacceptable! I'm grounding him for 8 swweeps!
CC: Good luck trying to catc)( )(im! 38D
cuttlefishCuller [CC] disconnected.
Seahorse Dad [Seahorse Dad] disconnected.
on May 24, 2015

enlightenedUmpire [EU] joined chat. ~~ 1 ~~ [close] shits Set topic Auto-silence new users New users are auto-silenced. Online Links Home User guide BBCODE Guide FAQ Help Site Rules Beta Testing Information gamquius is canon SK-d36ea0c81b-d09301c92201 [close] Settings /toggledownfall Anonymous/Other Original Character Trickster Doc Scratch AR/Hal Calliope Caliborn Lord English Other (canon) John Rose Dave Jade Jane Roxy Dirk Jake Aradia (dead) Aradia Aradiabot Tavros Sollux Sollux (blind) Karkat Nepeta Kanaya Terezi Vriska Equius Gamzee Gamzee (sober) Eridan Feferi Damara Rufioh Mituna Kankri Meulin Porrim Latula Aranea Horuss Kurloz Cronus Meenah Dad Nanna Mom Bro Grandpa Poppop Alpha Mom Alpha Bro Grandma Nannasprite Jaspersprite Davesprite Jadesprite Arad
on May 24, 2015

I am double-jointed...?
on May 24, 2015

I have two obsessions.
Petra Ral and Eremin.
Petra Ral and Eremin.
on May 24, 2015

I can make minute rice in 58 seconds...?
on May 24, 2015

My recent emojis~
on May 24, 2015

Homestuck cosplay = Millions of black wigs and shame
on May 24, 2015